unit1 we laughed into tears!基础模块2教案.docVIP

unit1 we laughed into tears!基础模块2教案.doc

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. .. 攀枝花市华森职业学校导学案首页 课程 英语 班级 任课教师 年 月 日 第 周 课题或教材章节名称 We laughed into tears! 总课时 8 教 学 目 标 知识、能力目标 1.学生能够用英语简单描述度假生活 2.知道在交谈中如何询问和回答度假相关问题。 3.知道如何用一般过去时描述过去的事情。 德育 目标 让学生通过本单元学习更加热爱家庭,热爱生活。 教学重点 1.能够正确使用一般过去时态。 2能够叙述一件事情。 教学难点 一般过去式动词的变化方式。 教具 粉笔、多媒体 教法 情景教学法 授 课 内 容 及 课 时 分 配 第一、二课时 new words and lead in 第三、四课时 listening and speaking 第五、六课时 reading and writing 第七、八课时 language in use and vocabulary practice 作业布置 课后小结: 教务科、师傅检查记录 签名: 日期: 攀枝花市华森职业学校导学案内页 教学过程 学生活动和 补充内容 第一,二课时 一、导入 学习新的单词,教师逐个讲解并纠正学生发音。 Ski mountain beach sail skate vacation Parent wonderful household amusing career daily return slip hesitation typical housewife chore Volunteer ham trip. 教师抽学生教读,互相练习,增强记忆。 二、Lead-in Ask the students where did they go and what they did in the winter vacation and winter vacation. (Group discussion and then answer my questions) Step1: Lead students read the phrases and ask Ss to tick the activities they had taken part in. then check the answer. Step2: Teacher show the pictures for the Ss , explain the requests and then play the radio for the Ss. Next, teacher asks some students to answer these questions. 学生对教师没讲清楚的地方提问,教师解答。 布置作业,练习册(P1-P2) 教师板书: Phrases: Visit the zoo went swimming picked apples went skiing climbed mountain played volleyball went sailing went skating went fishing Sentences: “I went swimming with my parents. It was very nice.” “My dad and I played volleyball on the beach.” “I went boating with my twin brother. Both of us had great fun.” “I went skiing with my friends.We all enjoyed ourselves.” 六、课堂小结: 第二、三课时 一、复习上一节课所讲知识。教师说中文,学生翻译。 Phrases: Visit the zoo went swimming picked apples went skiing climbed mountain played volleyball went sailing went skating went


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