初中英语人教版八年级上册unit 6 Section B2a-2d.ppt

初中英语人教版八年级上册unit 6 Section B2a-2d.ppt

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* * * * * * 课前准备 课本、基础训练、练习本 A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: I am going to be a/an …. A: How are you going to do that? B: I am going to …. A: Where are you going to work ? B: I’m going to work in…. (or: I’m not sure yet . Maybe Beijing or Shanghai.) Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. Section B Period 2 (2a-2d) 一、督预示标 (一)督预:看看谁最棒! (check the new words) (二)示标: 语言目标 1、流利的朗读课文,获取信息,牢记文中的重点短语及句子 resolution, improve, , physical health, weekly, have to do with, make promises, have…in common, write down, for this reason, take up. 能力目标 1、read the article and useful information, improve their reading ability 2、 use “be going to” to talk about their New Year’s resolutions 情感目标 1、Resolutions may be difficult to keep, but we should try our best to make the resolutions work. 二、自学梳理 Task 1: Reading and understanding .(读文章,理解本篇文章的大意。) (3分钟) Task 2: Answer the questions(4分钟) (1)、What is a resolution ? (2)、When do people usually make resolutions ? (3)、Why do people usually make resolutions ? (4) 、How can people remember their resolutions (5)、How many kinds of resolutions does the writer talk about ? (6)Why do you think resolutions may be difficult to keep ? (7) 、Do you think the best resolution is to have no resolutions ? Why or why not Task 3: 三、小组答疑 1 、由小组长主持,讨论刚才老师提出的三个问题,然后让小组成员将自己的讲给其他同学听,确定自己小组要展示的问题选出发言人。 2、讨论本组成员发现的其他问题。(本组解决不了的问题也可以到外组请求帮助。 四、展示评价 展示评价一 1、听录音,仿读课文,向大家展示你们的朗读。 展示评价二 Answer the questions . Read Para 1, answer the questions. 1.What’s a resolution? It’s a kind of promise. 2.When do people usually make resolutions? 3. Why do people usually make resolutions? They hope that they are going to improve their lives. 4. How can people remember their resolutions? Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year. At the beginning of the year. 展示评价三(赏析句子) 分享你的收获,说出你找到的词组和喜欢的句子。 * * * * * * * 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网


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