初中英语人教版八年级下册Unit 8写作课教案.doc

初中英语人教版八年级下册Unit 8写作课教案.doc

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《新目标》英语 八年级下册 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? Section B (3a- 3b) 教学过程 (Teaching procedures) 教师指导 (Tutoring) 学生活动 (Ss’ activities) 设计意图 (Purpose) STEP 1 Warming- Up( 1 min) Show some photos of popular singers or writers to ask who the students’ know well. Briefly talk about the singers or writers the students know well. 用图片快速引出话题,引起学生兴趣。 STEP 2 Leading-in ( 1 min) Check out the information students’ have searched before class. Search for the information about the singers or writers the students know well and bring it to class. 督促、检查学生课前查找的相关信息,为写作提供素材。 STEP 3 Talking in pairs(3a)( 2 mins) Ask one student the questions in 3a and show some certain sentence structures. Listen to the conversation between teacher and their classmate, pay attention to the complete answers with different tenses. 师生问答,示范正确的时态和句型。 STEP 4 Pre-writing (2 mins) Lead Ss to analyze how the writer writes “country music” (the reading in 2b). 1. List the main idea of each paragraph. 2. Pay attention to what tenses are used in each paragraph. 分析阅读文章的段落大意和每段的时态。 STEP 5 Pre-writing (5 mins) Get Ss to think about how to write an article: How many paragraphs? What’s the main idea of each paragraph? What facts in 3a would you like to put in each paragraph? What’s the beginning / ending? 3. What tenses do you use? Students think about the structure of their article and fill in form 1. 引导学生构思作文的结构、布局,确定段落大意和开头、结尾。 STEP 6 Pre-writing (3 mins) Help Ss to make sentences with the phrases or sentence structures in 3b. Give Ss some examples if they meet some difficulties. 2. Lead Ss to find: How can we write a good article? 1. Talk in groups to make sentences with the key phrases in 3b. 2. Find how we can write a good article. 1. 口头操练重点句型或短语。 2. 引导学生关注:连接词、引用歌手或作家的名言,优美句子和长句的正确使用。 STEP 7 While- Writing (8-10 mins) 1. Students write their compositions in class. 2. Go around the classroom and help students when they need. 1. Write their compositions on a piece of paper according to


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