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: 10000569/ 2019/ 035(01)006975 Acta Petrologica Sinica  岩石学报 doi 1018654/ 10000569/ 20190104  云母:花岗岩伟晶岩稀有金属成矿作用的重要标志矿物 王汝成  谢磊  诸泽颖  胡欢 WANG RuCheng XIE Lei ZHU ZeYing and HU Huan , , 南京大学内生金属矿床成矿机制研究国家重点实验室,地球科学与工程学院,南京  210023 StateKey LaboratoryforMineral Deposits Research School of Earth Sciences and Engineering Nanjing University Nanjing 210023 China , , , 20180901 收稿,20181115 改回 Wang RC,Xie L,Zhu ZY and Hu H 2018 Micas:Important indicators of granitepegmatiterelated raremetal mineralization Acta Petrologica Sinica,35(1):69-75,doi:1018654/ 10000569/ 20190104 Abstract    Micas are a type of most essential rockforming mineralsin granitesandpegmatites They not only appear asproductsof crystallization of the granitic magmatism throughout its whole evolutionary process,but also are partly involved in the hydrothermal processes As atypeof layer silicates,theinterlayer or octahedral structural sitesof micascanaccommodaterareelementssuch asLi, Rb,Cs,Sn,Nb,and Tatovariableextents Inthispaper,wewill describethemineralogical characteristicsof themicasasatypeof important indicative minerals for raremetal mineralizations,based on both literature data and our proper recent results The zinnwalditelepidolite is apparently an important lithium mineral of raremetal mineralization,and lithium contents in micas may be regarded as an indexoffractionaldegreeofgraniticmagma Rubidiumandcesiumcansubstituteinterlayerpotassium,andinterestingly ( ) dominate over potassium to formspecificmicas bothlepidoliteandbiotite inhighly evolvedgranitesandpegmatites Biotiteisatype


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