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2005 年8 月 桂林旅游高等专科学校学报 A ug. , 2005 第 16 卷 第4 期 Journal of Guilin Institute of Tourism V o l. 16 N o. 4 [ 博士论坛] 遗产旅游与遗产原真性 ——概念分析与理论引介 陈 勇 ( 同济大学 建筑与城市规划学院, 上海 200092) [ 关键词]遗产旅游; 遗产原真性; 内在关系 [ 摘 要]在实践中, 遗产地发展旅游导致过度商业化的现象非常普遍, 从而引发一系列的问题。根据遗产的基本属性进行分 析, 这些问题的实质是发展遗产旅游导致的过度商业化损害了遗产的原真性。对于国内外的相关文献进行综述, 从理论上阐 述遗产旅游与遗产原真性的概念内涵, 以及两者之间的内在关系。 [ 中图分类号] 590. 7   [ 文献标识码]    [ 文章编号(2005) F A Her itage Tour ism and Her itage Authen tic ity: Ba sic Concepts and M a in Theor ies CH EN Yong (Colleg e of A rch itectu re A nd U rban P lanning , T ongj i U niversity , S hang hai 200092, Ch ina) : ; ; Key words H eritage Tourism H eritage A uthenticity Co rrelation Abstract: T he commodification is universal in the heritage destination. In p ractice the negative commodifica . , tion p rocess has given rise to a lo t of serious effects Based on the basic characteristics of heritage the paper discusses that the key of the p roblem s lie in that heritage authenticity that is dam aged by the commodification . companied w ith heritage tourism to som e extent T hen in the paper the literatures about heritages tourism



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