
unit 10 Security Issues in Electronic Commerce 课程设计.pptVIP

unit 10 Security Issues in Electronic Commerce 课程设计.ppt

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unit 10 Security Issues in Electronic Commerce 课程设计.ppt

Unit 10 Security Issues in Electronic Commerce 2. The customer side where a customer can be impersonated, with or without the use of the customers equipment. 客户方:在使用或未使用客户设备的情况下,他人可以冒充客户方。 He gained entrance to the house by impersonate a local authority inspector. 他假冒地方当局检查员进入住宅。 He is an outstanding imitator and can impersonate all the well-known politicians. “他是个出色的模仿者,他能扮演所有著名的政治家。" 3 Problems can range from customer details being stolen from the vendors files to bogus traders who set-up online and take money with no intention of supplying the advertised goods or services. 这类问题包括卖方文档中的客户详细资料被盗取,以及设立网上商店却不提供所广告的商品或服务来骗钱的虚假交易者。 Values range from 0 to 256. 取值范围为0到256。 Theres a wide range to choose from. 有许多品种可供挑选。 The company was bogus, the prospectus was all got up. 那公司全属子虚乌有,所谓的创办计划是胡编乱造出来的。 There is no need for love zones for romantics. This is a bogus demand. Let them protest, Subroto Mukherjee, mayor of Calcutta, told reporters. 对此,加尔哥达市市长对记者说:根本没有必要开辟这样一个爱情角。这是个无理要求,就让他们去抗议好了。 4. Further, trading partners sharing design specifications also want to ensure the confidentiality of their messages, so that proprietary design specifications can be viewed only by the sender and the intended receiver of the information. 此外,共享设计规格说明书的交易伙伴也希望能确保信息的私密性,所以私有的设计规格说明书只能被发送者和指定的信息接收者看到。 Most efforts are using Java, ActiveX, or proprietary browser plug-ins to recreate the classroom experience. 多数研究是利用java、activex或者专有的浏览器插入程序来重现课堂实践。 In data security, the unauthorized searching of data held on a computer for information (e.g. confidential data or proprietary software). 在数据保密技术中,未经许可而对保存在计算机中的数据(例如机密数据或有专利权的软件)进行搜索,以求获取信息。 5. The security issues, across the network and at both ends, fall into a number of categories. 电子商务安全问题(网络整体的以及通讯两端的)可以 分为许多种。 6. Three-factor authentication refers to techniques that use all three ty


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