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Congress Regulates Finance The Securities Act gave the Federal Trade Commission the power to supervise new securities. Now companies that wanted to sell stock had to give the public full information. The Glass-Steagall Act set up the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to protect bank deposits up to $5,000. The New Deal 1933年《国家工业复兴法》:由政府调节工业生产中的问题,各个工业企业制订本行业的公平经营规章,规章确定各企业的生产规模、产品价格、销售市场的分配…… 《工资工时法》规定了企业工人最低工资和最高工时。 思考:为什么要求各工业企业确定各工业企业的生产规模等?为什么要规定工人的最低工资和最高工时? 加强国家工业的计划和指导,防止盲目生产引起生产过剩,对恢复经济、缓和阶级矛盾起了积极作用。 1、整顿财政金融体系 2、加强对工业的指导 Overseeing the Stock Market The Securities Exchange Commission, which had been established in 1934, was given the power to prevent insider trading. Placed in charge of the new SEC was Joseph P. Kennedy. The New Deal 大危机中境况最惨的还是农业,农产品大量滞销,农民负债累累,农产品价格已跌到历史最低点,猪肉三分一磅,牛肉五分一磅,一只肥羊卖不到一元钱。 1933年《农业调整法》:减少耕地,缩小现有的耕地面积,屠宰大批牲畜,由政府来补贴农民的经济损失。 思考:罗斯福总统对农业的调整产生什么样的结果? 克服农业生产相对过剩的危机,从而使农产品的价格逐渐回升,促进了农业的复苏。 1、整顿财政金融体系 2、加强对工业的指导 3、调整农业政策 Mexican Americans When the dust bowl sent thousands of ruined farmers to California, Mexican Americans found it harder than ever to make a living there. Competition among workers drove some farm wages as low as nine cents an hour. Farmers Agree to Limit Production The nation’s farmers were caught between huge surpluses and low prices. Under the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, the federal government agreed to pay farmers a certain amount for every acre of land left unseeded. 田纳西水利工程 Equal or Equivalent Another name for a fair price for agricultural products was parity. The New Deal 思考:“以工代赈”大规模兴建工程会产生什么积极影响? 增加了就业;刺激了生产和消费;改善了美国的基础设施;稳定社会秩序; 当时全美国的工赈机关总计雇佣人员占全国劳动力的一半,不仅大大缓解了失业困难,刺激了经济的早日复苏,而且许多基础设施建设至今仍使美国经济受益无穷。 1、整顿财政金融体系 2、加强对工业的指导 3、调整农业政策 4、增加社会福利 Many People Need Jobs The Civilian Conservation Corps put unemployed single males to work building roads, planting trees, and helping soil-erosion and flood-control projects. Reorganize Relief Except for the CCC and the PWA, a


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