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南 京 工 程 学 院 毕业设计说明书(论文) 作 者: 学 号: 系 部: 通信工程学院 专 业: 通信工程(无线通信) 题 目: 基于GPRS的车载报警终端(硬件部分) 指导者: 评阅者: 2014 年 6 月 南 京 GPRS-based Vehicl Alarm Terminal GPRS-based Vehicl Alarm Terminal (Hardware Part) A Dissertation Submitted to Nanjing Institute of Technology For the Academic Degree of Bachelor of Science By QiXing Li QiXing Li Supervised by Lecturer Lecturer Yunsong Zhou College of Communication Engineering Nanjing Institute of Technology June 2014 南京工程学院毕业设计说明书(论文) 摘要 本文研究了基于GPRS的车载报警终端,设计并实现了利用51单片机为中央微处理器的车载报警终端。其中车载终端中的GPS模块负责提供目标车辆的各种状态信息,通过单片机处理后由GPRS模块发送到目标手机上。可以让车主能实时的了解自己所在的位置以及温度等一些目标车辆的状态信息。基于GPRS的车载终端比传统技术下的车载终端相比,车主能够随时随地知道车辆的状态信息。让车辆监控变得更加方便和人性化。 本次设计主要涉及硬件部分,设计硬件电路,并对其功能模块进行调试与实验,最终得出本文提出研究方案是可行的。 关键词:GPRS;GPS;车载终端;单片机 全套图纸加扣 3012250582 Abstract This paper discusses the Vehicles Terminal of GPRS .taking 51 MCU as the central microprocessor in vehicle terminal.The GPS moudle provide the information of the vehicles,the vehicle monitoring terminal positions the vehicles through GPS module,delivering the position and status information to the phone of the owner through GPRS module controlled by microprocessor. so the owner can know the position and status information of the car timely.The vehicle monitoring terminal compared with the vehicle terminal under the traditional technologies,owner can know the position and status innformation of his car at any time.It make the vehicle monitoring more and more convenient. The design include hardware ,designing and completing harfware.debug and test its function modules.This paper presents the final results of the research program is feasible. Key words:GPRS; GPS; Vehicle terminal; MCU 目录 TOC \o "1-5" \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc25856 第一章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc25856 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc28935 1.1课题研究背景及意义 PAGEREF _Toc28935


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