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word文档整理分享 参考资料 西南大学网络与继续教育学院 毕 业 论 文(设计) 题目:企业职工医疗制度的问题与对策探讨 学生姓名 学 号 1210872423004 类 型 网 络 教 育 专 业 层 次 指导教师 日 期 2014年3月 21日 我国企业职工医疗制度的问题与对策探讨 摘 要 HYPERLINK /view/2487647.htm \t _blank 企业职工基本医疗保险是我国医疗保险的重要组成部分,是为了补偿劳动者因疾病风险遭受经济损失从而建立的一项社会保险制度。其交纳形式为用人单位和个人缴费,并建立医疗保险基金,从而使参保人员患病就诊发生医疗费用后,与 HYPERLINK /view/34297.htm \t _blank 医疗保险经办机构给与相应的经济补偿,以避免或减轻劳动者因为患病、治疗等所承受的经济风险。由于医疗保险的特殊性,医疗保险所面临的道德风险和逆向选择远远高于其他形式的保险。因此,企业职工医疗制度的问题与对策探讨具备一定的价值。 本文简单阐述了我国企业职工医疗制度的历史进程和我国企业职工医疗制度的现状。随着我国企业职工医疗制度改革的不断推进和深化,改革实践取得了一定的进展和成果,但不可否认我国企业职工医疗保障体系制度仍然存在很多问题亟待解决。这就要求我们不断的改善,制定适应我国国情的企业职工医疗保障体系制度。为进一步扩大改革开放的成果做出贡献。 本课题通过翻阅大量的相关文献资料,分析整理出有关信息,从企业的职工医疗保险制度改革的现状入手,分析现有制度存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出对策和建议,希望可以为下一步的改革工作提供有益的思路。 关键字:医疗保险,制度,对策 Abstract Enterprise employees basic medical insurance is an important part of health insurance is a social insurance system in order to compensate workers suffering economic losses due to the risk of disease in order to create. Their pay in the form of employer and individual contributions, and the establishment of the medical insurance fund, so that after the occurrence of the insured medical expenses for treatment of illness, and health insurance agencies to give the corresponding economic compensation to avoid or mitigate the suffering of workers because disease, treatment etc. to withstand the economic risks. Due to the special nature of health insurance, medical insurance are facing moral hazard and adverse selection is much higher than other forms of insurance. Therefore, the question of the health care system for enterprise employees and countermeasures have some value. This subject briefly describes the current situation and the historical process of Chinas medical insurance system of Chinas medical insurance system. With the continuous advance and deepen the reform of the basic medical insurance system for


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