
第十七章 性腺发育和性别决定.pptVIP

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中肾旁管(Müller管,中肾嵴体腔上皮凹陷、闭合形成) * * Klin felter综合症,睾丸小,且没有产精功能;Turner综合症:卵巢不发育,为结缔组织所代替,呈索条状,子宫未发育或发育不良, …. * HMG——HIGH MOBILITY GROUP Influence of Sry on gonad development. The germ line cells are shaded in red, and the somatic cells are shaded in green and blue. The change from light to darker color indicates that the cell has matured or differentiated. The Sry gene acts in a subpopulation of somatic cells in the developing gonad to direct them to differentiate into Sertoli cells instead of into follicle cells. The Sertoli cells then induce primordial germ cells to commit to sperm development. They also secrete anti-Müllerian hormone, which causes the Müllerian duct to regress, and they help to induce other somatic cells to differentiate into Leydig cells, which secrete testosterone. In the absence of Sry, the primordial germ cells commit to egg development, and the somatic cells develop into either follicle cells, which support egg development, or theca cells, which secrete estrogen. Whereas Leydig cells begin secreting testosterone in the fetus, theca cells do not begin secreting estrogen until puberty. * HMG高迁移率蛋白质; * 目前尚未从鱼中克隆到sry和dax1等同源基因,Sox9在斑马鱼中有两个,sox9a和sox9b,前者在多种组织(脑、肌肉、鳍、和精巢)中表达,后者仅限于卵巢中卵黄原发生前的卵母细胞中表达;青鳉中已克隆了精巢型的sox9。青鳉中发现DMY(被认为由DMRT1进化而来)具有雄性开关的作用。 * 哺乳动物性别决定是由Y染色体上的sry雄性决定基因决定的,因此XO哺乳动物表现为雌性;果蝇性别决定尽管也采用XX/XY系统,但机制不同,它是通过平衡X染色体上的雌性决定因子和常染色体上的雄性决定因子的比率决定的,当这一比值≤0.5时,为雄性,所以果蝇XO表现为雄性 * * Arrows represent activation, while a block at the end of a line indicates suppression. The msl loci, under the control of the Sxl gene, regulate the dosage compensatory transcription of the male X chromosome. * 蛇和蜥蜴的性别是在受精时由性染色体决定的 * 现已发现雌性成体的管状鼻中存在引起雄性化幼虫发生的分子。 第十七章 性腺发育和性别决定 ♂髓质发达,PGCs 分化为生精干细胞,性索中空→生精小管 ♀皮质发达,PGCs→oogonia,皮质部的性索细胞及间质细胞分化为颗粒细胞位于生殖细胞外 Sry ↓ TDF ↓ 皮质部PGC萎缩 原始性腺(未分化性腺): 原生殖细胞 + 生殖生殖嵴(genital ridge)体细胞 第一节 哺乳动物的性腺发育 未分化性腺与生殖管道的发生 背主动脉 中肾小管 中肾管 中肾旁管 初级性索 背系膜 后肠 生殖腺嵴 中肾嵴 尿生殖窦 头端 上段 中段 下段 性腺及其管道的发育: 性腺及其管道的发育: Müllerian → 输卵管+子宫 Wolffian → 输精


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