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Theories of motivation 激 励 理 论 Summarize 概述 Definition: Motivate is a continuous psychological process which motivate the people’s motivation of behavior through outer stimulation . 定义: 激励是通过外部刺激达到激发人的行为动机的一个持续的心理过程。 Summarize Basic model of the process: need-motivation-behavior-goal-satisfaction 基本模式: 需要-动机-行为-目标-需要满足 激励的过程就是满足需要的过程 Need-motivation-Behavior Need-motivation-Behavior Content motivation theory Maslow’s hierarchy of needs There is a hierarchy of five human needs; Physiological: food, drink, shelter, sex Safety: physical safety Social: affiliation with others, affection, friendship Esteem: Internal (self-respect, autonomy, and achievement); external (status, recognition, and attention) Self-actualization: personal growth and fulfillment Maslow’s hierarchy of needs 1. As each need becomes satisfied, the next need becomes dominant.The unsatisfied need motivate the people’s behavior. 2.One can only work on the higher needs when the lower needs are satisfied. 1、未满足的需要激励人们的行为。 2、当低层次的需要满足后,高层次的需要就变成主要的激励因素。 Meclelland’s achievement of needs 麦克利兰的成就需要论 According to Maclelland’s theory, everyone has three kinds of need: Need for achievement ; Need for power ; Need for affiliation ; Heraberg’s Two Factors theory 赫茨伯格的双因素理论 Frederick Herzberg proposed the Two Factor theory of human motivation. According to his theory people were influenced by two factors: Heraberg’s Two Factors theory Essentially, hygiene factors were needed to ensure an employee was not dissatisfied. In order to motivate an employee into higher performance motivation factors were needed. Satisfaction and psychological growth was a factor of motivation factors. Dissatisfaction was a result of hygiene factors. 保健因素:防止产生不满情绪 激励因素:带来满意 Heraberg’s double factors theory 赫茨伯格的双因素理论 保健因素和激励因素的作用 Heraberg’s Two Factors theory Hygiene Factors include Heraberg’s Two Factors theory Motivation Fa


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