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Unit 1 Part One A Dog from Nowhere Background Information Hunting Hunting is the practice of pursuing living animals (usually wildlife) for food, recreation, or trade. In present-day use, the term refers to lawful hunting, as distinguished from poaching(偷猎), which is the killing, trapping or capture of the hunted species contrary to applicable law. The species which are hunted are referred to as game (猎物)and are usually mammals(哺乳动物) and migratory (移栖)or non-migratory gamebirds. Hunting became a sport in medieval Europe, where it was reserved, as far as possible, for the privileged classes by game laws. Falconry [猎鹰训练术] and foxhunting became increasingly popular in England in the Middle Ages, and the use of hunting dogs --- hounds [猎狗], setters[塞特种猎狗], pointers [能站住用鼻尖指示猎获物 所在处的猎狗], spaniels[长耳猎犬] and the like – became widespread in this period. Hunting can be divided into three branches, each of which is defined by the type of instrument used by the hunter. Hunting with weapons (now primarily firearms) is probably the most popular, especially in the United States. Trapping and snaring [安圈套] with deceptive implements is popular in northern areas. In coursing [(使用猎狗)追猎] (with dogs) and falconry (with hawks[鹰,隼] ) hunters enlist the aid of trained animals. Coursing is especially popular in Britain and Western Europe. Types of hunting are also distinguished by the size of the animal being sought. Big-game hunting is the most glamorous and often the most dangerous. It became a popular sport among Western colonialists in Africa and India during the 19th century, and even today the big-game safari (科学考察,游猎)远征(队)(特指在非洲东部) survives. Big-game animals include the moose驼鹿 , caribou[驯鹿] , bear, and elk [麋,大角鹿] of North America; the reindeer[驯鹿] , elk, and wolf of Europe; the tiger, leopard[豹] , elephant, and wild goat of Asia; and the antelope羚羊 , gazelle瞪羚 , zebra斑马 , leopard[美洲豹] , lio


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