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26, 1 Vo.l 26 No. 1 2010 3 W ORLD EARTHQUAKE ENGINEER ING M ar. 2010 : 1007- 6069( 2010) 01- 007 - 0 - T 倪国葳, 姜登岭, 陈娟浓, 祁佳睿 (, , 063009) : -, T , T , -, : -; ; ; : P31 97; TU317 : A S tudy on shear strength of T shaped colum n w ith w ide flange based on the truss-arch m odeling N IGuow e,i JIANG Dengling, CHEN Juannong, Q I Jiaru i (H ebeiPolytechnic University, Earthquake Engineering Research Center ofH ebei, Tangshan 063009, China) Abs tract: In this paper, the theory of truss-arch model is app lied to the analysis of shear loads of the inclined sec- tion of the specially shaped steel reinforced concrete column. The calculating formula of the shear load in the in- clined section ofT shaped column w ithw ide flange has been brought forw ard. Compared w ith the expermi ental da- ta, th is formu la based on the truss-arch model is proved to be su itable. In th is paper, this formula is also compared w ith the present shear load equation of the specially shaped column. The results show that th ismethod can be taken as a reference for the analysis and calcu lation of the shear load of the specially shaped column w ith w ide flange. K ey w ord s: truss-arch mode;l specially shaped column; w ide flange; shear strength LT , , [ 1, 2] , , , [ 3] , , [ 4, ] 4~ , , -, T, -, T : 2008- 0 - 31; : 2009- 0 - 08 : ( E 2006000676) : ( 1971- ), , , . E-m ail: tjngw@ 126. com



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