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AbstractAbstract Abstract Abstract With the upg孵de attention of the global warming problem all over the world, people t a_ke steps to slow the greenhouse gases increase·The European Union and other developed countries have set up their own ETS(Emissions trading svStem)to fulfill their compliance in”Kyoto Protocol”and“Copenhagen”·It is time旬r China to establish our own emission trading system·In this paper,firstly we introduce and compare the mature emission trading markets in the world alld then Sct a Lag啪ge function model and found the GHG/GDP exert an influence ETS on the emission rights trading.At last,we will present a tentative concept of in The innovative achievements of this paper are as following: 1.Comparing the mature emission trading systems of the countries fi-om six di疵rem dimensions and finds their advantages and disadvantages· 2.ConStnJction of the greenhouse gas emissions trading system in the genera- 舒amework of the emerging countries for future trading system provided a good reference templates. 3.Intro(1ucing the Lagrange function tO set the emission rights trading model in greenhouse gases market and then make the emp irical study tO discuss the trend in the emission right in greenhouse gas market. 4.Di腩rem舶m the most of the papers which study the emission rights in greenhouse gases market,this paper analyze the emission rights舶m the angle ofsellers,such as China and presenting a tentative concept ofETS in China· Kev words:ETS;CDM;Kyoto Protocol;Copenhagen;Lagrange mnctlon U 目录第五章构建中国温室气体排放权交易体系 目录 第五章构建中国温室气体排放权交易体系 :39 5.1中国目前参与温室气体排放权交易的现状 39 5.2关于建立中国ETS的构想 39 5.2.1中国温室气体排放权交易体系的目标 39 5.2.2纳入减排体系的目标气体及企业 .40 5.2.3温室气体排放配额的分配 40 5.2.4交易网络的实现 ..41 5.2.5监控与认证体系 。41 5.2.6碳排放交易的市场运作 ~41 5.2.7中国不同于发达国家的交易体系的特色 42 5.2.8建立中国ETS时需要注意的问题 .42 5-3结束语 : ..42 参考文献 43 致谢 . ..47 在读期间发表的学术论文与取得的研究成果 .49 表格目录 表2.1欧盟年GHG排放情况 10 表2.2英国年GHG排放情况 12 表2.3美国年GHG排放情况 14 表2.4加拿大年GHG排放情况 15 表2.5澳大利亚温室气体GHG排放情况 16 表2.6同本温室气体排放情况 .18 表2.7挪威GHG排放情况 19 表2.8成熟国家的ETS比较



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