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句子简化题 什么是句子简化题? 这类题目会在原文一段话中 “高亮”出一个句子: Paragraph 9: The relative amount of these two kinds of water varies greatly from one kind of rock or sediment to another, even though their porosities may be the same. What happensdepends on poresize.If the poresare large,thewater inthemwi exist as dropstoo heavyfor surface tension to hold, and itwi drain away; but ifthe pores are sma enough, the water inthem wi exist as thin films, too lightto overcome the forceofsurfacetension holdingthem inplace;thenthewaterwi befirmly held. 然后结合这个句子问这样一个问题: Which of the sentences below best expresses the essentia information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in importantways or leaveoutessentia information. 这种题型叫做句子简化题。 怎么整能做对? 首先 ,既然题目让我们选择与原句句意相同的选项 ,那就必须要保证能够读懂题目和各个选项句 子的意思。切记,看懂才能做题,看不懂句子不要谈提高正确率。 可在小马托福公共号中回复:长难句 ,即可获得相关文章。 看懂题目句子,在做这种题的时候可能还会在如下两点上出现错误: 句子太长、信息太多 ,在判断选项的时候容易被选项拐跑 ,忘记了原句准确的意思 ,勿中干扰选 项的陷阱。 对于原句和选项的改写判断错误,错选意思与原句不相符的答案 问题1 :句子太长 信息太多 ,在判断选项的时候容易被选项拐跑 ,忘记了原句准确的意思 ,勿 中干扰选项的陷阱。 这个问题可以通过以下这个方式来解决。读完句子后、判断选项前 ,我们尝试着把刚看完的这个 长长的句子 “分层”。所谓的分层 ,是根据连接词将长句子中的几个分句分别挑出来 ,单独来看。 就好像把一个蛋糕分成小块,吃起来才比较方便。之后,判断每个选项时,也将选项进行分层。 我们要将原句的每一块 “蛋糕”,和选项的每一块 “蛋糕”分别进行比对 ,来判断该选项是否与 原文一直。同时,除了判断每一个分句句意是否对应 ,也要判断连接分句的连接词是否也能构成 对应的改写。 例题: Only the last of these(指代前文 running water) was suited at a to the continuous operatingofmachines,andalthoughwaterpoweraboundedinLancashireandScotland andrangrainmi saswe astextile mi s,ithadonegreatdisadvantage:streamsflowed where nature intendedthem to, andwater-driven factories hadto be located on their bankswhether ornotthe locationwas desirableforother reasons. ○Runningwater was the best power source for factories since it could keep machines operating continuously, but since it was abundant only in Lancashire and Scotland, mostmi sandfactoriesthatwere locatedelsewherecould notbewaterdriven. ○The disadvantage of using waterpower is that streams do not necessarily flow in places


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