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Overview in this paper,the content is as follows:the first part iS the introduction part,introduced the selected topic reason,theoretical and practical significance of study,this paper expounds the opinions of scholars both at home and abroad,and the research results at home and abroad are reviewed,at last,by using different research methods,put forward the innovation of the article.The second part of independent college,emergencies,independent college emergencies,discusses the concept of crisis management,and elaborated in this paper,we study the theoretical basis,summed up the significance of independent college to strengthen the construction of emergency management capability.1 7 in
the t11ird part summarized guangdong development situation Oil the basis
of the independent college as a whole,expounds its emergency management system and principles of management,and combined with the content of the questionnaire survey,summed up the problems existing in the independent college in emergency management and the formation mechanism of the problem。The fourth part according to the problems existing in the independent institute of emergency management,puts forward several Suggestions to perfect the construction of independent college emergency management.The fifth part is the conclusion part,the summary of the full text iS summarized.
KeyWords:Independent college Emergency
management Problem Research
绪论. . ... ...... ...... ..... .,... ...一..........1 (一)选题缘由 . . ..1 (二)研究意义 .。.. . .. 2 1.理论意义 .2
2.实践意义 . 3
(三)研究综述 .3
1.国外研究现状述评 . . 3
2.国内研究现状述评 . .4
3.国内外研究评价 .5
(四)研究方法 .6
(五)创新之处 。 6
一、广东省独立学院应急管理研究理论基础 7
(一)概念界定 . 7
1.独立学院 . 7
2.突发事件 . . ..7
3.独立学院突发事件 ..8
4.危机管理 .8
(二)独立学院应急管理理论基础 . 9
1.危机管理理论 9
2.风险社会理论 ..10
(三)独立学院加强应急管理能力建设的意义 ..11
1.保护师生员工的合法权益 .11
2.维护学院的健康稳定发展 .11
3.促进和谐社会建设 . 12
二、广东省独立学院应急管理现状 .13 (一)广东省独立学院应急管理概述 .13
l-广东省独立学院发展概况 .13 2.广东省独立学院应急管理流程. . .13
3.广东省独立学院应急管理处理原则 . .14
(二)广东省独立学院应急管理调查 16
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