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实用标准文案 文档 上阵不离亲兄弟盘点历史上有名的兄弟帮   On December 17th, 1903, the Wright brothers―a pair of self-taught engineers from Dayton, Ohio―lauched the era[时代] of flight when they made the world’s first heavier-than-air, power-controlled flight near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Even though they were off the ground for only 12 seconds, the Wright brothers soared[高飞] into aeronautical[航空学的] history. After their historic journey over the dunes[沙丘] of the Outer Banks, the brothers wisely gave up their joint bicycle business to focus on flying machines.   1903年12月17日,来自(美国)俄亥俄州代顿市、自学成才的工程师莱特兄弟在北卡罗来纳州基蒂霍克镇附近完成了世界上第一次比空气重的航空器动力飞行,从而开辟了飞行的新时代。尽管他们飞离地面的时间仅有12秒,但在航空史上,莱特兄弟从此一飞冲天。在结束了历史性的飞跃外滩群岛沙丘之旅后,莱特兄弟明智地放弃了他们合伙的自行车生意,转而专注于飞行器的研究上。   Joseph Kennedy, Jr., was expected to be the political star   of the Kennedy family, but after the naval[海军的] aviator[飞行员] was killed in action during World War II, the responsibility[责任] passed to his three younger brothers. When John F. Kennedy was sworn in as President in 1961, a political dynasty[王朝] came of age. John named his younger brother Robert the Attorney General[司法部长], and a year later baby brother Ted was elected to fill the President’s old Senate[(美国)参议院] seat in Massachusetts, a post he held until 2009. Robert also served in the Senate from 1965 until his assassination[暗杀] in 1968.   小约瑟夫?肯尼迪一度被视为肯尼迪家族的政治明星,但当这名海军飞行员在二战行动中丧生后,他的责任就落到了他的三个弟弟身上。1961年,当约翰?F. 肯尼迪宣誓就任(美国)总统时,一个政治王朝开始了。约翰任命他的弟弟罗伯特为司法部长。一年后,最小的弟弟泰德也通过竞选顶替了约翰当选总统后空出来的马萨诸塞州参议院席位,并一直担任至2009年。罗伯特也从1965年起担任参议院席位,直至1968年被刺杀为止。   Frank and Jesse James are the most well-known   outlaws[歹徒] of the Wild West注1. The James brothers were Confederate[(美国内战)南方军] soldiers in the Civil War, where they took part in a wide range of criminal[犯罪的] activity. The men held up[持械抢劫] and robbed trains, killing 22 of the 23 Union[(美国内战)北方军] soldiers on board[在车上]. Following the war, Frank and Jesse started robbing banks, trains, and shops around Iowa, Alabama, and Texas. In 1866, the dangerous duo[二人组] pu


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