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conjunction wit h the beginning of the 95 anniversary activitie s, focuse d sche dule 1 party le cture. E ncourage s the party branch Se cretary of the practi ce of party members give a Party lect ure. Production line of advanced party members re porte d, their ow n experie nce s, e nha nce t he attracti on and a ppeal of party le cture. 4. Orga nization of online communi cation. Full use of the various types of network media, tim e pushes lear ning content. Boot party communi st netw orks, mobile phone , TV, micr o-l earni ng and dista nce education platforms. Boot party member home participation in netw orked lear ning , interacti on and thre e lessons, offline sy nchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study a nd e ducation, enri chi ng the content of forms, ex pand the coverage of education. 5. carry out the re sponsibil ity. Ea ch branch to effectively a ssume t he mai n responsi bility for organi zational learning, timely understanding of party members a nd cadre s to st udy, ide ntify and resolve symptoms and pr oblems. Party Committee shoul d do a good job lea dershi p lear ning at the same time, gui da nce t o branch base d on the development of learning programmes, a nd urged the implementati on of three lessons system a nd im plementi ng learni ng requirements. To take re ports, cust omized rese arch, partici pate in discussions, atte nd meeti ngs of the Organizati on, such a s supervisi on, and effective transmission of pressure. About consoli dation of weak a nd lax party branche s, thr ough tr ue strong team, pr omote transformation impr oving bra nch to issue t hat stands out, to e dealt with first i n pla ce, further study and educati on. 6. play the lead r ole. Leader shi p, leading ca dres should set an exampl e, and to lea d by exampl e, layers of drive n model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, t he overall ge neral effect of linkage. Lea ding cadres shoul d learn first a nd be in f ront, aski ng others to do you fir


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