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安徽农学通报,Anhui Agri.Sci.Bull.2014,20(13) 25 垃圾填埋渗滤液生化处理系统中初期菌种污泥 培养及驯化研究 唐中亚 1 邓飞飞 1 孔为丽 2 岳 梅 1* (1 合肥学院生物与环境工程系,安徽合肥 230601;2 上海仁誉环境工程有限公司,上海 200000) 摘 要:对高浓度渗滤液进行生化处理具有局限性,尤其对在初期无法完全降解渗滤液中难降解的特殊有机 物质,需对菌种污泥进行驯化。该研究基于实际工程案例,总结 2 个月渗滤液生化处理技术工程中初始调试 期的污泥培养技术及其影响因素参数控制。菌种污泥含水量 80%左右,采用低负荷培养驯化的模式,按照先 好氧后厌氧培养的顺序,驯化初期的原水稀释倍数为 10 倍,生化内回流比为 3,控制生化池碳氮比为 5∶1,在 污泥培养驯化期间注意调控硝化及反硝化池中的 pH、温度、碱度、溶解氧等环境影响参数。经过调试后,生 化处理系统出水水质为 NH3-N 12~27mg/L、CODcr 58~107mg/L、pH 6.8~8.0,出水水质满足后续 MRB 工艺 要求[1]。 关键词:渗滤液;A/O 工艺;菌种驯化;碳氮比 中图分类号 X705 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-7731(2014)13-25-04 Study on Initial Sludge of Bacteria Cultivation and Domestication in the Biological Treatment Sys? tem of Landfill Leachate Tang Zhongya1 et al. (1 Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering,Hefei University,Hefei 230601,China) Abstract:There are limitations in the biochemical treatment of high concentrations leachate. Especially when the biodegradable organic objects in the leachate can not be completely degraded in beginning, So the sludge of bacteria need to be acclimated. The study is based on actual project case. Sludge cultivation techniques and relevant factors in biochemical treatment technology of landfill leachate projects during two months’ debugging step are summed up. The using Sludge which have about 80% water,and choose the low load domestication and cultivation mode.The sludge is cultivated through aerobic digestion before anaer? obic digestion. raw water dilution ratio is controled to 10 times,Internal biochemical reflux reflux ratio is 3,with carbon nitrogen ratio of 5:1,During the cultivating process,denitrification and pH,temperature,al? kalinity, dissolved oxygen and other influencing parameters should be regulated. After debugging, effluent water quality can reach the requirements of subsequent MBR process with NH3-N content of 12~


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