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品味赵本山小品语言的修辞艺术 PAGE PAGE 21 品味赵本山小品语言的修辞艺术 完成人姓名;沙林林 主修专业:汉语言文学 所在院系:中文系 入学年度:2001年 完成日期:2005年5月12日 指导教师:姚晓波 [中文摘要] 赵本山是一个用北方农民独特的幽默征服了亿万观众的小品艺术家。他掌握了笑的秘密和诀窍,用笑来解读艺术,解读人生,诠释幽默,形成了他独特的小品风格。他的小品倍受观众的喜爱其原因是多方面的:小品日常世俗的题材迎合了大众对世俗文化的需求,使人们的审美感受为之一新;小品中塑造的那个既憨厚又狡黠、既木讷又灵敏、既土气又时尚的矛盾的性格化形象,给人们留下了深刻印象;通过善意的讽刺,夸张地展现生活中那些显而易见的道理,引起我们的回味和思考;对东北二人转这一民间艺术的成功借鉴,为小品注入了新鲜血液,给观众带来新的视听享受;小品中的语言既生动幽默又俚俗上口,既夸张滑稽、机敏俏皮又节奏明快、韵味十足,且常常语出双关、语义繁丰、化平凡为神奇、许多成为社会流行语。这些效果的成功实现和成功的语言艺术是分不开的。语言是小品的生命线,所以谈到赵本山小品的艺术成就,最突出的就应该是他的语言艺术,考察赵本山的小品语言,发现他综合运用转移、仿用、岔断、升格、降格 、倒置、干涉等修辞手段,来建构幽默。对语言艺术的精通,对修辞的成功把握,使塑造出来的幽默达到了最理想的效果。品味赵本山小品语言的修辞特色,能够体会修辞对于塑造幽默所表现出来的独特魅力。 [关键词] 赵本山 小品 语言 幽默 修辞手段 [Abstract] Zhao Benshan whether one conquer hundreds of millions of essay artist of audience with northern peasant unique humour. He grasp secret and key that smile at, with is it is it understand art to come to smile, understand life, annotate the humour , has formed his unique essay style. His its reason popular with audience of time of essay is in many aspects: The subject matter of the daily common customs of essay has catered to the demands for common customs culture of masses, make peoples aesthetic experience take on a new look; The straightforward and good-natured and crafty , wooden fashionable personality image of contradiction sensitive , rustic and that mould in the essay, have left a lasting impression on people; Through the well-meaning satire , represent those obvious reasons in life overstating , cause our aftertasting and thinking ; Draw lessons from to Northeastern song-and-dance duet success of folk art this , inject the fresh blood into essay, bring new seeing and hearing enjoyment to audience; The vivid humour of language in the essay is unrefined and suitable for reading, overstate funnily , alertly and good-lookingly as well as rhythm is lucid and lively , the sophisticated appeal is sheer , and language produce having a double meaning often, semanteme is in great numbers and abundant , tak


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