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大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛申报作品 作品名称:基于IOS、Android手机设备应用程序交互适配设计研究报告 所属领域:自然科学类学术论文(信息技术) 二〇一三年四月 摘要 如今互联网时代的飞速发展,其中移动互联网呈爆发式增长。在这个大背景下涌现了大批手机应用,市场上的同类产品很多。因此,如何做好用户体验显得尤为重要。 交互设计 (Interaction Design) 作为一门关注交互体验的新学科在二十世纪八十年代产生了。广义上说,交互设计是一门如何使产品更加简单使用,如何使用户愉悦的新兴学科。交互设计把人和产品的关系进行了最大尺度的调整,从用户体验入手、更关注人与产品之间的互动。 本文首先简要介绍了关于交互设计学科与移动设备的发展背景,然后对比了手机端与电脑端的交互差异。通过线上问卷调查、线下用户访谈的方式深入了解了用户使用手机应用的方式,收集了大量关于使用手机应用时的交互数据,运用主观体验测量方法对数据进行客观科学地分析。最后得出了手机设备应用程序交互适配设计的6个设计原则,还针对对用户情感化研究提出了一些可行性设计方法与建议。 关键词:交互设计 用户体验 移动设备 应用程序 ABSTRACT Today, the rapid development of the Internet era, which was the explosive growth of mobile Internet. In this context the emergence of a large number of mobile phone applications, many similar products on the market. So, how good user experience is particularly important. Interaction design (Interaction Design) as a concern interactive experience new disciplines in the 1980s. Broadly speaking, interaction design is a how to make the product easier to use, and how to make user pleasant emerging disciplines. Interaction design and relationship to the largest scale adjustment, starting from the user experience, and more concerned about the interaction between people and products. This paper begins with a brief background on the development of interactive design disciplines and mobile devices, and then compare the difference of the interaction of the phone and computer sides. Through online surveys, user interviews line-depth understanding of the user to use the mobile application to collect a large number of interactive data on the use of mobile phone applications, the use of the subjective experience of objective scientific analysis of measurement data. Came to the conclusion of the six design principles, but also put forward some feasible design methods and recommendations for the user emotional phone device application design interaction adaptation. Keywords:Interactive design, user experience,mobile device,applications 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc35383192


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