新目标初中英语八年级下册Unit 9 Have you ever been to Singapore教案.doc

新目标初中英语八年级下册Unit 9 Have you ever been to Singapore教案.doc

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PAGE PAGE 4 Unit 9 Have you ever been to Singapore?(Reading) 课时分析 本课时通过学习阅读材料“Have you ever been to Singapore”,掌握阅读策略(即在阅读完后学生写下自己学到的东西),并增进学生对世界上其他国家的了解。 学情分析 学生在八年级下册Unit3和Unit9 Section A、Section B已经学习并掌握了现在完成时的用法。本课时将学习阅读关于新加坡的风土人情。通过读说写技能训练,给学生提供更多语言输入和输出的机会,更好地学习并运用阅读策略。 学习目标 语言技能目标:能听懂教师对有关文章的提问,能在教师的帮助引导下顺利完成对长篇阅读材料的理解,并用自己的语言表达已学到的知识。 语言知识目标:1)词汇:a)四会词汇:wonderful, holiday, quarter, population, fear, brave, excellent, Indian, dark, wake, fox, natural, environment, temperature, whenever, spring, autumn, season, awake. b)三会词汇:southeast, simply, daytime, equator, type. 2)句型:Have you ever been to Singapore? It’s a wonderful place to take a holiday. 3. 情感目标:能让学生通过对阅读材料的学习,了解其他国家的不同特色,拓宽知识面。 四.重难点 教学重点:通过教师根据文章大意整理出来的脉络图,让学生用自己的话表达已学到的三点或更多的知识。 教学难点:如何帮助学生用自己的语言或文章中的好句写下自己学到的东西。 教学设计: Step1. Warming up Presentation 1.Free talk 2.Pairwork A: Where would you like to take a holiday? And why? B: I’d like to …., because it’s a(n) place to…. What about you? Step 2. Before reading 1.Watch the video and say the name of the country. And then show the picture of Singapore. Have you ever been to Singapore? How much do you know about Singapore? 2.Disscussion: What do you want to know about Singapore? 3.Show the picture of the passage, and think about two questions: What’s the place in the picture? When is it? Step 3. While reading 1.Skimming How many paragraphs are there in the passage? What does each paragraph talk about? 2.Careful reading Paragraph 1: Location:Singapore Population: More than____________ are _____. Language: In Singapore, you can speak____________. It’s also a good place______________ Paragraph2: 1)Can we find any Chinese food there ? 2) Can we try any kind of new food there? Paragraph3: 1.) Singapore has a special zoo called_______________. 2.) A lot of animals ______at night, so this is_________ to watch the


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