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Step I Warm-up Brainstorm What occupations do you know? Take some notes, please! 1 More examples So, people who take up these occupations can be laborers. Summary 1. Know some occupations in English; 2. Talk about dream jobs; 3. People with mental or manual jobs can be laborers. Para. 1 So far as I know, Miss Hannah Arendt was the first person to define the essential difference between work and labor. Summary Paras.1-3: The author explains his understanding of work, labor, and play. Para.4: In the author’s eye, the majority of people in a modern technological society are laborers rather than workers. Para.5: The author stresses the two negative aspects of technology and the division of labor. Work in groups and discuss Do you accept the author’s definition of worker and labor? Do you think that workers will be definitely happier than laborers? Assignments 1. Recite new words and phrases; 2. Pre-read Text B. Unit 4 Work and Career Text A Work, Labor, and Play (Preparation) HUTC QIUZHEN 作者:WJHObjectives / Focal Points Grasp the main Idea of Text A 1 2 3 Talk about work and career Learn some new words expressions about work 2 occupations nurse doctor astronaut teacher salesman cook policeman postman scientist manager engineer … 设计方案.. sportsman accountant secretary mechanic Summary/Group Work Among them, who are laborers? Step II Focus on New Words Pronunciation 1. Read aloud 2. Check students’ pronunciation Step III Fast Reading Read through Text A in 5m and finish the following task Fast Reading 4. Workers seldom commit acts of violence at home, because they do it in their work. T 2. Work is closely related with the division between a manual and a mental job. 1. According to the author, work is contrary to play while labor is exactly in the middle of the two. F 3. Technology and the division of labor have turned lots of work into boring labor. Assignments 1. Recite the new words and phrases; 2. Read Text A in detail; 3. Share your own opi


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