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2009届水利水电工程专业毕业设计(论文) PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3 毕业设计(论文) 题 目 “调水工程”第二级水电站厂 房设计 专 业 水利水电工程 班 级 学 生 指导教师 2013 年 “调水工程”第二级水电站厂房设计 摘 要 二郎坝水电站位于陕西省宁强县境内,是一项中型跨流域调水工程,具有灌溉、发电、工业供水等综合利用效益。是引嘉入汉水梯级水电开发的第二级水电站,由一级天生桥电站尾水穿过5.63km隧洞至二郎坝乡黄家湾,建二郎坝二级电站,设计水头60.90m,设计流量14.5m3/s,装机容量0.75万kW,年发电量2971万kW·h,二级电站尾水穿过分水岭隧洞,经4.77km隧洞引水至卧龙台,建三级卧龙台电站,二郎坝水电工程充分利用了水资源的优越条件。龙头水库调节性能好,库容7760万m3,年调节水量2.14亿m3,水量利用率可达89%;电站利用水头高,梯级电站总水头高达418m,为发电、灌溉、供水提供了可靠的保证。 在本次毕业设计中,应完成的主要工作量为完成水轮机及发电机和蜗壳,尾水管的选型,厂房的布置及尺寸确定,设计要合理,布局要紧凑。 关键词:引嘉入汉 梯级水电 调水工程 跨流域 Erlangab design of Cascaded Hydropower Station ABSTRACT The dam hydropower station is located in the territory of Ningqiang County in Shaanxi Province,it is a medium-sized interbasin water transfer project ,with the comprehensive utilization benefit of irrigation, power generation, industrial water supply.she is leading into the second stage hydropower cascade development of hydropower station of Han river,By a natural bridge tail water tunnel through the 5.63km to Erlang BA Xiang Huang Jia wan,construction of two hydropower station dam, design head of 60.90m, the design flow of 14.5m3/s, installed capacity of 7500 kW, an annual generation capacity ofkW · h,two level of tail water tunnel across the watershed, the 4.77km tunnel diversion to Wolong station, built in three level of Wolong power plant.the dam hydroelectric project makes full use of the favorable conditions of water resources. Leading reservoir regulation performance, capacity ofm3, 214000000 m3, water regulation, water utilization rate of 89%; hydropower station by the high head hydropower stations, total head up to 418m, provides a reliable guarantee for power generation, irrigation, water supply. KEY WORDS: The Jia Han into;Cascade hydropower;water diversion project;Across the river 目录 绪论··················


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