浅谈新课标下中学数学问题情境的创设 毕业论文.doc

浅谈新课标下中学数学问题情境的创设 毕业论文.doc

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PAGE PAGE III 浅谈新课标下中学数学问题情境的创设 摘 要 随着我国新一轮课程改革的深入进行,以新课程理念为指导的数学问题情境教学愈发重要,已经成为有效提高数学课堂教学质量的关键。但在当前数学教学实践中,问题情境的创设还存在着很多问题:追求时尚,过于花哨,生搬硬套,流于形式,与问题实际脱节。这不仅影响教学质量,还会导致一些教师形成错误的教学观念。本文以“如何创设巧妙有效的问题情境”为主线,通过对数学问题情境的含义与作用的阐述,以及对当前数学教学中问题情境创设现状的剖析,提出了新课标下创设有效的数学问题情境的策略方法。提醒广大数学教师重新审视问题情境的创设,在新课标理论的指导下创设科学的数学问题情境,优化数学教学。 关键词 中学数学;问题情境;创设;策略方法 On the Context of the Creation of a Mathematical Problem in Secondary Schools under New Curriculum Abstract With the development of Chinas new round of curriculum reform, the creation of problem situation plays more and more important roles in mathematics teaching and even becomes the key to improving the quality of mathematics classroom. However, the issue of mathematics teaching in the creation of the status quo situation is not optimistic, there are a lot of problems: pursuing form, being superficial, removing from reality and so on… These issues affect not only the quality of teaching situations, but also lead to the formation of some teachers’ wrong teaching concept. How to create smart and effective problem situation” is the main line of this paper. Through interpretation of the meaning and function of mathematical problem situations and analysis of the current situation of mathematical problem situation in teaching, this paper gives suggestion about creating effective mathematical problem situation. This research calls for mathematical teachers to re-examine the issue of creating situations, to create artful and effective mathematical problem situations under the guidance of the New Curriculum and to optimize the teaching of mathematics. Keywords secondary school mathematics; the issue of context;creation; strategic approach 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc230166917 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc230166917 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc230166918 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc230166918 \h II HYPERLINK \l _Toc230166919 目 录 PAGEREF _Toc230166919 \h III HYPERLINK \l _Toc230166920 前 言 PAGEREF _Toc230166920 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc2


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