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摘要摘要 摘要 摘要 众所周知,在自然科学中,人们通过测量得到对事物的认识,没有测量就 没有科学.测量是人类认识自然和改造自然的重要手段,在国民经济中起着重 要的作用。然而我们对自然晃所有的量进行实验和测量时,由于参与测量的五 个要素:测量仪器、测量人员、测量方法、测量环境和被测对象自身都不能做到 完美无缺,使得对该量的测量结果与该量的真实值之间就存在一个差异。这个 差异反映在数学上就是测量误差. 实验证明,无论选用哪种测量方法,采用何种测量仪器,其测量结果总是 含有误差.而对于不知其测量误差的测量结果,往往是无法应用从而也是无意 义的。本文以简支梁为试验对象,总结了在模型制作阶段梁的宽度、高度、混 凝土强度及梁的计算跨度对梁的跨中正截面的极限承载力及跨中最大挠度产生 的影响,进而研究了由于梁的宽度、高度、混凝土强度及梁的计算跨度的制作 误差导致的简支梁跨中正截面极限承载力及跨中最大挠度的不确定度。最后, 对误差分析理论及不确定度理论在工程中的应用提出了一定的建议。 关键词:制作误差,简支梁试验,误差分析,不确定度 ABSTRACTAs ABSTRACT As is known to all,people know things by survey them in physical science.No surveys,no science.Survey is a signi ficant way which people get to know nature and change nature by.And it has played an important part in the natural economy.However,when we mke a survey of all things of the nature,the imperfection of the following factors such as instruments,persons,measurements,environments and the object to be measured will cause a difference between the results and the real value. This difference is what we called measurement error in mathematics. It has been proved that,whatever measurements and instruments are selected,the results always include errors.Thus,the results would be insignificant and worthless,unless errors could be known.This paper chooses simply—supported beams as the research objects,and makes a conclusion about the influence,caused by different width,height of the section,different concrete strength,and different calculation spans of the beam,on the capacity of the cross section and the deflection at the middle point of a span.Furthermore,the uncertainty of the capacity and deflection caused by the manufacture errors of the factors involved above is discussed.In the end,suggestions on the applications of the theories of error analysis and uncertainty in civil engineering are given. Key Words:error of manufacture,experiment of simply supported beam, error analysis,uncertainty II 学位论文版权使翔授权书本人完全了勰圈济大学关予收集、保存、使用学位论文的规定, 学位论文版权使翔授权书 本人完全了勰圈济大学关予收集、保存、使用学位论文的规定, 同意如下各项内容:按照学校要求提交学


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