如何减少物业公司员工的流失 毕业论文.doc

如何减少物业公司员工的流失 毕业论文.doc

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PAGE PAGE 2 1 如何减少物业公司员工的流失 【摘 要】:员工是企业生存发展的重要因素,如今各个行业在不断的发展,伴随着自身的发展需要,不少员工开始跳槽离开企业,寻找其它令自己满意的工作,但是员工的跳槽往往会给企业带来了严重的损失,尤其是在物业管理行业,员工的跳槽的现象十分的明显。在各个行业的竞争中,要想取得领先地位就得解决当前组织所出现得问题,物业公司当前所面临的问题就是员工的流失率比较大。所以物业公司更应该注重对员工的管理方面,加强员工对组织的忠诚度,充分发挥组织的在员工心目中的地位为员工提供发展平台满足员工的需要。在面临企业员工跳槽的情况之下,企业又应该怎样去留住员工呢?本篇论文简单的分析了物业管理企业员工流失较大的原因以及解决处理的措施,以保证组织发展的顺利进行,让组织在激烈的行业竞争中处于领先地位。 【关键词】: 培训 人员招聘 沟通 职业生涯规划 How to reduce the flow of property management company employees 【 Abstract 】: Employees is the important factor of enterprises survival and development, now in various industries in the unceasing development, with its own development needs, many employees start job-hopping leave enterprise, find other work to my satisfaction, but employees quit the tend to bring enterprise severe losses, especially in the property management industry, the staff of the phenomena are very obvious job-hopping. In each industry competition, want a lead will have to solve current problems appear very organization, property company current is a problem facing employee turnover of relatively large. So property company more should focus on employee management, strengthen employee on the organizations loyalty, give full play to the organization in the employees idea of position provides staff development platform meet every need. In the face of enterprise staff job-hopping circumstances, enterprise and how to retain employees? This paper simply analyzed the realty management enterprise staffs loss bigger reason and solve processing measures, to ensure the organization development smoothly, let the organization in the fierce competition in the industry in a leading position 【Key words】:Training; ?career planning; personnel recruitment; Communication 目 录 一、物业公司的基本状况1 物业公司的发展趋势1 (二)物业管理企业面临的挑战和冲击1 二 、对物业公司员工流失率较大的分析2 (一)不合理的人才招聘2 (二)物业公司对员工的激励不够明显3 (三)没有让员工感到安全感3 三、 企业应如何有效的减少员工的流失3 注重员工的招聘…3 1、招聘的前期工作…3 2、招聘过程中如何确定组织所


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