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年第 期 2009 4 ·理论园地· 图书馆核心价值观的性质与结构 梁灿兴 (广西财经学院图书馆 广西南宁 530003) 摘 要:文章总结了图书馆核心价值观研究中的各种问题,从公共关系活动的角度,指出图书馆核心价值观是适应图书馆公共关 系活动的概念。从价值观的角度,认为图书馆核心价值观的认知结构应该有三个层次,从解读与宣示内容的不一致,讨论了在实际 的运行中,图书馆核心价值观的来源与其他机构的关系问题。提出图书馆核心价值主要体现在图书馆价值观结构中的第二个层次, 即图书馆面向用户/ 社区的价值中。从起源和公共关系的角度,认为图书馆核心价值观具有历时性的特点,表现为无矛盾性,并非是 永久、稳定的。 关键词:图书馆 核心价值 核心价值观 价值观结构 公共关系 中图分类号:G250 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-6938 (2009)04-0001-05 Analysis of the Nature and the Structure of the Core Values of Libraries Liang Canxing (Library of GuangXi University of Financial ,NanNing ,Guangxi ,530003) Abstract :Summed up the core values of libraries in a variety of issues, from the perspective of public relations activi- ties, pointing out that the core values of libraries is to adapt to the library public relations activities. From the perspective of values, the core values of the library should be three levels of cognitive structure, and interpretation inconsistent with the declared content discussed in the actual operation, the source of the core values of libraries and other institutions of the relations. To the core values of libraries in the library is mainly reflected in the values of the structure of the second level, that is, user-oriented library / community value. From the origin and the point of view of public relations that have lasted for library core values of the characteristics is not permanent and stable. Key words :library ;core value ;core values ;the structure of values ;public relations CLC number : G250 Document code : A Article ID : 1003-6938 (2009)04-0001-05 自从“图书馆核心价值”作为第一分主题进入2007 性质,是人类行为的目的性。按系统论的说法,系


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