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教材编写对象 研究生生活阅历丰富 工作经历 社会阅历 感情经历 研究生思想活跃,观点鲜明 博览群书 容易接受新鲜事物 批判性思维 研究生学习英语的困难 大学一、二年级有英语必修课 三、四年级因为没有英语课,英语水平退步 口语练习机会少 词汇量不足,对许多词汇一词多义了解少 阅读量不足 对翻译写作没有系统性了解 对英语学习不够自信 综合教程与其他教材的不同 注重交流的培养 提高语言综合能力 拓展词汇 培养书面和口语表达能力 系统介绍翻译和写作技巧 题材体裁多样性 教师用书提供口语活动范文 教材编写重点 口语活动贯穿每个单元 提供与阅读课文结合,又与研究生学习生活紧密联系的有趣,或有创造性、批判性思维的口语活动 任务型课堂报告或角色扮演 提供口语活动所需词汇和表达法 教材编写重点-课文选篇 课文选题深度广度和多样性, 可读性,趣味性 人生哲理 The Hidden Side of Happiness, An Urge for Going, On Human Nature, 人性探索 An Alpine Divorce, The Bum, 总统就职演说 著名教育家的名文 A Good Mind Is Flexible, 商业化了的体育 旅行轶闻 Three Generations On One Tiny Ship, Oslo 教材编写重点 人与自然 Thinking like a Mountain, The Sea and the Wind That Blows 建筑美学 健康生活 Yoga, Stress and Health 家庭爱情 Feathers From A Thousand Li Away, Love and Marriage 美食 科技新发展 Smarter Transportation, Is Google Making Us Stupid 教材编写重点 职业规划 Traits of Key Players 商业文化 Marketing Across Cultures, Warren Buffet 评判性思维口语活动 针对课文难句提问,要求学生讲述对句子的理解 要求学生以自己的经历,观点解释是否同意作者或某一种观点 Unit 6 In paragraph 2, President Kennedy said, “For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life.” Do you agree with the statement? Why or why not? Also in his inaugural address, President Kennedy asked, “ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” Have you asked yourself what you can do you China? In his inaugural address, President Kennedy said, “In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course.” In whose hand do you think the final success or failure a nation’s course rests, the leader of a country or its people? Why? 任务型课堂报告或角色扮演 Presume an “Art Festival” is to be held soon in your university. Your group has undertaken the responsibility of introducing arts in China to a group of foreign visitors. Step 1 You are to introduce an art form from China. It can be in the form of music, painting, sculpture, drama, architecture and etc. You have to read some books and articles or surf the Net to l