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四川理工学院毕业论文 某工业区污水处理厂设计 姓 名 金文灿 学 号 08031050208 专 业环境工程 班 级 环境2008.2班 指导教师 袁基刚 四川理工学院材料与化学工程学院 二〇一二年 六 月 摘要 水是不可替代的自然资源,在经济建设﹑社会发展和人民生活占有及其重要的地位。随着经济建设﹑城乡建设的发展和人口的增加,用水持续增长,水的供需矛盾日益突出。由于大量的工业废水和生活污水排入水体,使水环境受到严重的污染,水资源短缺和水质恶化已成为制约经济建设和城乡发展、破坏生态环境、影响人民生活和自身健康的突出问题。 本设计为某工业区污水处理厂工程工艺设计,污水处理厂规模为15000m3/d,污水主要来源为生活污水和工业污水,主要采用氧化沟处理工艺,经比选,此工艺具有投资省,处理效果好,运行管理方便等优点,适宜使用。本设计包含污水处理工艺流程的确定,工艺流程中各单体的计算,施工图纸的绘制等。本工程的实施将显著改善受纳水体水质,同时间接产生经济效益,促进经济可持续发展,污水处理厂处理后的出水达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》GB18918-2002一级B标准。 关键词:污水处理厂,氧化沟工艺,设计 15000m3/d Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Design Abstract Water is an irreplaceable natural resources, economic development, social development and peoples livelihood occupies an important position. As economic construction, construction of urban and rural development and population increase, water continued to grow, increasing water supply and demand contradiction. Due to the large number of industrial waste and domestic sewage discharged into water bodies, is seriously ` the water environment pollution, water shortages and deterioration of water quality has become a restricted economy, destruction of ecological environment construction and urban and rural development, highlight issues affecting peoples lives and their own health. Design for engineering design technology of industrial wastewater treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant size for 15000m3/d, major source of sewage for sewage and industrial effluent, mainly by oxidation ditch process technology, by comparison, this process has a low investment, effective, convenient to run management advantages, suitable for use. This determination includes sewage treatment process design, process flow calculation of monomer in, drawing of the construction drawings. Implementation of this project will significantly improve the water quality of receiving waters, and indirect eco


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