Network Applications课件.ppt

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Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Basic protocol for email exchange over the Internet Runs on top of TCP Fundamental difference between SMTP and FTP/TELNET is that it is NOT an interactive protocol Messages are queued and spooled by SMTP agent Users interact with email application Lots! Application interfaces with Message Transfer Agent Sendmail on UNIX Setup and configured by admins. SMTP specifies how MTA’s pass email across the Internet Also uses NVT commands 精品文档 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Client uses email application to construct and send messages Addresses consist of machine name and mailbox address Mailbox is usually the same as one’s login but you can have aliases Destination machine can also be an alias@ Message is passed to mail spooler which is part of MTA Application communicates with MTA via email transfer protocol Post Office Protocol (POP3) is common, but not very secure Our department uses IMAP MTA’s on remote systems listen for incoming mail on well known port (25) Messages are delivered in two parts – header and body Header format has exact specification = RFC 822 Body content types are specified by MIME 精品文档 SMTP Example Jim Gast UW-madison Anne Gast Humko Products From:jgast@ To: Anne Gast AGast@ Subject: I hope you brought a toothbrush Date: Tues, 11 Sep 2001 10:46:16 -0400 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.1960.3) Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, Anne! You won’t be flying home today. Hijacked planes hit both towers of the World Trade Center! -Jim header body 精品文档 Sample SMTP Session tux34(21)% telnet 25 Trying 1... Connected to (1). 220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.11.3; Tue, 11 Sep 2001 14:09:52 -0500 HELO 250 Hello [34], pleased to meet you MAIL FROM:jgast@ 250 2.1.0 jgast@ ... Sender ok RCPT TO:jgast@ 250 2.1.5 jgast@... Recipient ok DATA 354 Enter mail, end with . on a line by itself To: jgast@ Test for CS640 . 250 2.0.0. f8BJAeq14849 Message accepted for delivery QUIT 221 2.0.0 closing co


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