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本科毕业论文(设计) 论文题目:浙江省农村信用社农户小额贷款存在的问 题及对策 所在学院 专业班级 金融学 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称 完成日期 年 月 日 毕业论文独创性声明 本人郑重声明所提交的毕业论文是本人在指导教师的指导下进 行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。除文中特别加以标注的地方外, 论文中不包含他人已经发表的学术成果或者他人为获得高等院校学 位而使用过的材料,论文中不涉及任何知识产权纠纷。否则,本人 将承担一切责任。 学生签名: 日 期: 农村信用社作为农村金融改革屮推广小额贷款的主力军,对于促进农业结 构调整和农民增收,改善农村信用环境,发展地方经济起到了积极的作用。本 文在分析浙江省农村信用社小额贷款现状的基础上,认为浙江省农村信用社农 户小额贷款存在历史包袱沉重、抗风险能力较差、体制上有缺陷、筹资能力较 弱、市场创新能力不足,不能满足农户实际信贷资金需求等问题。由此提出相 应的对策:在外部因素方面,通过建立农业重大自然灾害风险补偿机制,引进 农业保险、加强对农户培训、确定合理的小额信贷利率等,加大政策扶持力度; 通过加强信用环境建设、健全约束机制等,优化农村金融生态环境。在信用社 自身建设方面,要增强为农户服务的意识、提高人员的素质、根据农户需求灵 活发展农户小额贷款业务、规范农户小额信贷管理等。只有各级农村信用社采 取有效措施,增加对农户的信贷投入并保证贷款效用的有效发挥,才能真正意 义上改善和提高农村金融服务,支持地方经济的发展。 关键词:农村金融;农户小额信用贷款;农村信用社;持续性发展 Abstract Rural credit cooperatives as a major force of rural financial reform in promoting micro-credit, has played a positive role in the promotion of agricultural restructuring and rural incomes, improve the rural credit environment, local economic development. Based on the analysis of zhejiang province rural credit cooperatives small loans on the basis of the current situation, Think small loans to farmers in zhejiang province rural credit cooperatives existing historical burden is heavy, and the ability to resist risk is bad, the system has defects, financing ability is weak, market innovation ability is insufficient, can't meet the demand of the actual credit funds of the farmers. Then put forward the corresponding countermeasures: In the external factors, through the establishment agriculture major natural disaster risk compensation mechanism, the introduction of agricultural insurance, strengthen the training of farmers, the determination of reasonable microcredit interest rate, strengthening policy support strength. Through the strengthening credit environment construction and perfect the restraint mechanism, optimization of rural financial ecological environment. In its own construction, should to strengthen the consciousness of service for farmers, and improve the quality of personnel, according


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