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苏宁电器股份有限公司融资方式分析 Studies on the Financing of SUNING APPLIANCE CO.,LTD. 【摘要】 在世界经济虚拟化进程不断加快的大背景下,任何企业都很难通过滋生的经营积累来满足其自身的融资需要。企业的发展将逐步由原始资本的内部积累向多元化筹集资金转变,资本经营正成为企业改善生存状况,加速发展的重要手段。2008年金融危机的冲击给许多企业的资金链带来了巨大压力,有些企业不堪重负,没有及时调整好自身的资金链,甚至出现倒闭关门的现象。然而也有些企业不但没有被金融危机的消极影响所击垮,反而利用自身的优良条件,在逆境中奋起勃发,终于走出了自己的一条光明大道,例如苏宁电器股份有限公司。 本文旨在以苏宁电器作为分析对象,通过对苏宁电器融资方式的分析,发现可能存在的问题,同时提出解决对策,总结经验教训,为未来发展整理出更合理的思路。 【关键字】 苏宁电器 融资 财务指标 【Abstract】 Virtualization in the world economy against the background of accelerating the process, any business operation is difficult accumulation through breeding to meet their own financing needs. The development of enterprises will gradually accumulated by the original capital of the internal changes to the diversification of funding, capital management is to improve the living conditions of the enterprise, an important means of accelerating development. 2008 financial crisis to the chain of many companies bring tremendous financial pressure, some companies overwhelmed, failure to make timely adjust its funding chain, or even close to the phenomenon of collapse. However, some companies have the financial crisis has not been overwhelmed by the negative effects, but use their own good conditions, rose blooming in adversity, and finally out of his own a bright road, for example, Suning Appliance Co., Ltd.. This article aims to analyze the object as Suning, Suning Appliance financing through the analysis of possible problems that also put forward countermeasures, lessons learned, organize for the future development of a more rational way of thinking. 【Key words】 SUNING APPLIANCE Finance Financial Indicators 目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc290028525 引言 PAGEREF _Toc290028525 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc290028526 一、公司融资的基本理论 PAGEREF _Toc290028526 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc290028527 (一)公司融资的基本概念 PAGEREF _Toc290028527 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc290028528 (二)公司融资方式及渠道 PAGEREF _Toc290028528 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc290028529 (三)公司融资风险的基本概念 PAGEREF


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