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南京工程学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 题  目: 车牌定位技术研究 专  业: 车辆工程(车辆电子电气) 班  级: 车电气111 学 号: 215110514 学生姓名: 芦 鹏 指导教师: 罗绍新 副教授 郝腾飞 讲 师 起迄日期: 2015.3.2~2015.5.28 设计地点: 车辆工程实验中心 Graduation Design (Thesis) Research on License Plate Location Technology By LU Peng Supervised by Associate Professor LUO Shao Xin Assistant Professor HAO Teng Fei Nanjing Institute of Technology June, 2015 南京工程学院本科毕业设计(论文) PAGE \* MERGEFORMATIV 摘 要 在过去的几十年里,车辆的大量增加促使了智能交通系统的快速发展。车牌识别则是智能交通系统的核心技术。车牌识别作为一种识别车辆牌照的手段,它通常需要对车牌进行两部分处理,即车牌定位和车牌字符识别。由于字符识别是基于车牌的精准定位来完成的,因此研究出一套精准的定位算法是相当重要的。 本文是针对车牌定位的问题来进行研究,把车牌定位分为两部分来进行。首先是对车牌图像进行预处理,经过处理后得到一幅清晰的边缘图像,然后对处理后的图像进行定位。本文采用的车牌定位方法是基于数学形态学和灰度跳变的定位方法,通过对这两种方法进行改进和结合得到一个新的车牌定位方法。先采用数学形态学的定位方法对车牌图像进行粗定位得到几个候选区域,然后依据车牌字符间的灰度跳变规律,再对车牌进行精确定位,最后确定出车牌区域。通过对候选区域进行单行扫描缩短了定位的时间,实现了车牌的快速定位。 关键字:车牌识别;车牌定位;图像处理;数学形态学 ABSTRACT In the past decades,the amount of vehicle increase prompted the rapid development of intelligent transportation system. License plate recognition is the core technology of intelligent transportation system. License plate recognition as a means of the identification of license plates,it usually needs to two parts to identify the license plate,license plate location and character recognition.Because of the character recognition is based on the accuracy of license plate location to complete,thus develop a set of precise positioning algorithm is very important. This article aims at the problem of license plate location for research.The license plate is divided into two parts for positioning.The first is the license plate image preprocessing,after processing to get a clear edge image,and then processed image positioning.License plate location method used in this paper are based on mathematical morphology and grayscale positioning jump,through the study of the improvement and combination of the two methods to get a new license plate locating method


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