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2 1 4 Vol. 21, N o. 4 2001 8 Bulletin of So il and Water Con servation Aug. , 2001 吴发启, 范文波 ( , 712100) , , , 0. 0 1 mm , , , , ; ; A 1000 ) 288X( 2001) 04 ) 0022 ) 03 S 153, S 157 An Analysis on Physicochemical Characteristics of Crust in Loess Soil on Slope Farmland WU F a-qi, FAN Wen- bo ( The College of Resource and Env ironment, Northw est Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, angling 712100, Shaanxi Prov ince, PRC) Abstract: Based on ex periments and comparing analysis, t he physicochemical ch aracterist ics of crust above the loess soil is discussed mainly , and some results w ere obtained. Crust formation is a physical process t hat t he frame- w ork formed by fine sand and coarse silt is filled by small grain( 0. 01 mm) . T he content of humus is nearly same as t hat of soil while the content of CaCO3 is slight ly low er . Crust hardness h as negat ive relat ion w it h the w at er cont ent of earlier st age, and h as positive relat ion w ith bulk density and thickness. T he relat ion of bulk densit y and thickness is more complicated. Keywords: soil crust; physicochemical property; slope farmland , , 1 研究内容与方法 , ( 1) Onof iok( 1984) , , , , [ 1] A hmod Robbin ( 197 1) ( 2)


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