Chapter Six Acceptance Orders 外贸英语函电 教学课件.ppt

Chapter Six Acceptance Orders 外贸英语函电 教学课件.ppt

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Chapter Six Acceptance Orders Initial Orders Repeat Orders Duplicate Orders Place and Confirm an Order Contents of a Sales Contract or Confirmation Fill in a Contract in English Key Words Expressions accept acceptance confirmation of order sales contract purchase contract sales confirmation purchase confirmation sign signature counter-signature Language Points Language Points Language Points 5. order n. 订单 Language Points to withdraw an order 取消订单 to turn down an order 拒绝订单 to decline an order 谢绝订单 to fulfill an order 执行订单 to execute an order 履行订单 to carry out an order 执行订单 Language Points satisfactory adj. 令人满意的 Language Points Language Points Language Points Language Points Language Points Chinese version of the letter Chinese version of the letter 执事先生: 非常高兴地接受您方第1212号关于床盖的订单。 由于所有的货物均有库存,所以一旦收到您方的信用证即可交货。 希望我们的货物能令您方满意并期待能荣幸地得到您方进一步的订单。 谨上, Contents of a Sales Contract 1. Title ==合同名称及其编号。 2. Preamble—序文:包括签约日期、地点、当事人名称、地址及其法律地位 。 3. Name of Commodity—商品名称。 4. Quality Clause —品质条款:包括约定品质的决定方式及其时间和地点。 5. Quantity Clause—数量条款:包括约定数量单位、交付数量的决定时间和地点,以及溢短装数量的解决办法等。 Contents of a Sales Contract Insurance Clause—保险条款:包括由何方保险、投保险别、金额与货币约定保险人等。 Inspection Clause —检验条款:包括项目、检验时间与地点、检验机构、检验方法,检验效力及其费用的负担等 。 Claim Clause—索赔条款:包括索赔的期限及其通知方法,应提出的证明文件,索赔货物和付款的关系,以及解决索赔的基本原则。 Arbitration Clause —仲裁条款:包括范围、地点、仲裁机构及其费用的负担等。 Fill in a Contract in English SALES CONTRACT Writing Training Dear Sirs, We have received your offer of June 5 and regret that you have turned down our counteroffer. As we are in urgent need of the goods and anxious to conclude the business with you. We have made our every effort to persuade our client to accept your offer at GB£45.00 per piece. Fortunately, our customer in Liverpool has changed his mind and approached us again with an order for 3000 dozens of the above goods on your terms. We are very pleased to have been able to fin


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