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Focus2 content focus2highlights focus2dialogue focus2dialogue focus2dialogue focus2 dialogue focus2 dialogue Focus2 pairwork Focus2 pairwork Focus2 text Focus2 text Focus2 text Focus2 text Focus2 text Focus2 text Focus2 text Focus2 text Focus2 text Focus2 text Focus2 working with words Focus2 working with words Focus2 research project Focus2 research project Focus2 LW Focus2 LW Focus2 LW Focus2 LW Focus3content Focus3 translation skills Focus3 translation skills Focus3 Pleasant Surprises in Language Focus3 Pleasant Surprises in Language Thank You! 2. Pleasant Surprises in Language Put the following sentences into Chinese. 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next 1. She lit up. 2. She was on cloud nine. 她高兴了起来。 她感到极为幸福。 我们得让他高兴起来。 3. We had to cheer him up. 这些天他很是消沉。 4. He’s really low these days. 2. Pleasant Surprises in Language 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next 5. My spirits sank. 6. She was shining with joy. 我情绪低落了下去。 快乐使她容光焕发。 她脸上闪着幸福的光芒。 7. Her face was bright with happiness. 她再也掩藏不住内心的喜悦。 8. She couldn’t contain her joy any longer. 上海交通大学出版社 应用型大学英语综合教程 Application-oriented College English Course * * L/O/G/O Dialogue: future career planning Pair work: talking about a future career Text: You’ll get exactly what you expect Working with words Research project Listening-based writing Highlights Table of Contents Part 2 Language in Use 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Highlights RL: Dialogue: future career planning S: Talking about a future career Language for talking about a future career R: You’ll get exactly what you expect Research project: Searching the Internet for an analysis of shyness and tips on how to overcome it LW: Summarizing two letters Language for talking about problems at work Part 2 Language in Use 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next 1. Dialogue: future career planning 上海交通大学出版社 Upon graduation, seniors in colleges or universities begin to look for jobs, and many want ads appear on the bulletin board on campus. Mary, a junior, meets


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