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2010 9 September 2010
36 9 JournalofBeijing University ofAeronautics andAstronautics o.l 36 No9
孙军华 王伟华 刘 震 张广军
( , 100191)
: 分析了基于结构光视觉的钢轨磨耗测量原理, 提出一 钢轨磨耗车载动态
测量方法. 结构光视觉传感器安装在列车底部, 测量钢轨内侧横断面轮廓. 以钢轨轨腰轮廓作
为测量基准, 利用最近点迭代( ICP, Iterative Closest Point)算法确定光平面测量坐标系到设计
坐标系的旋转矩阵和平移向量, 将测量轮廓与设计轮廓对齐, 在此基础上计算磨耗值. 与已有
的方法相比, 该方法无需单独设置用于基准测量的视觉传感器, 采用同一传感器实现了基准测
量和磨耗测量, 有效降低了系统成本, 操作性强, 且无需进行多传感器的全局校准, 保证了测量
精度. 实验结果表明: 该钢轨磨耗测量方法具有较好的重复性精度.
: 钢轨磨耗; 结构光; 基准对齐; 最近点迭代匹配
: TN 247
: A :2010)
Ra il w ear measu rement method based on structuredlight v is ion
Sun Junhua W angW eihua Liu Zhen Zhang Guangjun
( School of Instrument Science andOptoelectronics Engineering, BeijingUniversity of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100191, China)
Abstract: The principle of railwearmeasurementbased on structuredlightvision was analyzed. A m eth
od for dynam ically measuring railwears in vehiclemounted was proposed. The structuredlight vision sensor
was installed at the bottom of the train, and the section profile of the railwasmeasured. Taking railwaist as
measurement benchmark, the rotation matrix and translation vector between lightplane coordinate frame and
designed coordinate fram ewere estmi ated by iterative closest point ( ICP) algorithm, then, the railwaist pro
filewas registered to designed profile, based onwhich the railwearswere calculated. Compared w ith previous
methods, the proposedmethod does notneed a specially vision sensor to measure thebenchmark. Benchmark
measurement and wearmeasurement are achieved w ith one same vision sensor. System cost is effectively re
duced, and it is operable. Measurement accuracy is also guaranteed due to no need of global calibration of
multisensor. The expermi