三年级Module 6 School教案.DOC

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《英语》(新标准)(三起)第一册Module 6 Unit 1 This is my school Knowledge aim: this school english teacher pupil classroom What’s this ? It’s a desk/chair/bird………… Ability aim: Train them to ask and answer what’s this ? It’s a …… .Learn to introduce someone /something to the others. Ideological aim: Improve the students’ appreciation. Main points: New words, new pattern .Introduce someone /something to others. Difficult points: What’s this ? It’s a …… This is my …… The pronunciation of the words “this” Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder ,multi-media Teaching process: Step One: Warm-up and greetings. T: Hello, dear boys and girls, how are you ? S:I’m fine,thankyou,and how are you? T: I’m fine too,thank you! Ok now follw me (GO TO SCHOOL rises. Music down) 【设计意图:课堂热身活动消除了学生的紧张感,轻松自然地进入到接下来的新知识学习当中。】 Step Two: Leading-in T: Look here , last week a student sent me a picture, Today I need your help to know something about the picture.(All the students look at the picture in my hand.) T: Where is it ?(当有同学说出“学校“,老师说出相应的英语单词,并在大屏幕上显示。 并告诉学生:This is my school.带领大家多读几遍加深对句子的印象) 引入新课!! Step two: New course (老师继续引导学生观察图片,以问问题的的形式引入新单词。老师可以问学生学校都有谁啊?“老师、学生”,并引导学生说“I’m a pupil. This is my english teacher. 观察图片找到“classroom”。引出这些单词后,用身边的实物练习,加深对单词的理解,并带领学生明确自己在学校中的身份“I’m a pupil”) (继续观察图片,问学生教室里有什么? 并用“What’s this ?”句型提问,引出“desk/chair/ bird ”几个单词,并提示他们用“It’s a….”句型回答问题.) T: This is a desk. This is a chair.(适时的指向教师自己的桌子,椅子)Look , this is my desk. This is my chair. T:What’s this? (practice more times then Show them the again and let them find out other things) T: What’s this?(when reading the word “this”, the teacher should speak loudly and clearly in order to attrat students attention. At the same time , the whole class play the voice game together) 【设计意图:教师利用身边的教学资源导入,使学生感到接近生活,轻快自然。同时,老师的适当提示,鼓励孩子们发现事物也使他们感觉到学习中的自主性,师生互动顺利的完成新授。】 Step three: More practice (1)T: What ‘s this ? S: It’s a desk (指着学生的课桌给与提示) T: Yes ,this is a desk S :Yes, this is my desk


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