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IEEE Std 386-1995
(Revision of IEEE Std 386-1985)
IEEE Standard for Separable
Insulated Connector Systems
for Power Distribution Systems Above
600 V
Transmission and Distribution Committee
of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society
Approved March 16, 1995
IEEE Standards Board
Abstract: Definitions, service conditions, ratings, interchangeable construction features, and tests are
established for load-break and dead-break separable insulated connector systems rated 601 V and above,
600 A or less, for use on power distribution systems.
Keywords: dead-break connector, elbow connector, load-break connector, power distribution systems,
separable conductor, separable insulated connector systems
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
345 East 47th Street, New Y ork, NY 10017-2394, USA
Copyright ? 1995 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published 1995. Printed in the United States of America.
ISBN 1-55937-530-2
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the publisher.
IEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical Committees of the
IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEEE Standards
Board. Members of the committees serve voluntarily and without compensation.
They are not necessarily members of the Institute. The standards developed within
IEEE represent a consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute
as well as those activities outside of IEEE that have expressed an interest in partici-
pating in the development of the standard.
Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEE Stan
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