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This application form should be filled out in English此表格必须以英文填写PHOTO This application form should be filled out in English 此表格必须以英文填写 PHOTO 照片 Schengen Visa Schengen Visa Application form 申根签证申请表 This application form is free此表格免费 This application form is free 此表格免费提供 1. Surname (Family name) (x) 姓 For official use only 签证机关专用 2. Surname at birth (Former family name (s) (x) 出生时姓氏 Date of application: 3. First name (s) (Given name (s) (x) 名 Visa application number: 4. Date of birth (day-month-year) 出生日期 (日-月-年) 5. Place of birth / 出生地 6. Country of birth / 出生国 7. Current nationality / 现国籍 Nationality at birth, if different: 出生时国籍,如与现国籍不同 Application lodged at ? Embassy/Consulate ? CAC ? Service provider ? Commercial intermediary 8. Sex / 性别 ? Male / 男 ? Female / 女 9. Marital status / 婚姻状况 ? Single / 未婚 ? Married / 已婚 ? Separated / 分居 ? Divorced / 离异? Widow (er) / 丧偶 ? Other / 其它 ……………………………. ? Border Name: ? Other 10. In the case of minors: Surname, first name, address (if different from applicant’s) and nationality of parental authority / legal guardian / 未成年申请人 须填上合法监护人的姓名、住址(如与申请人不同) 、及国籍 File handled by: 11. National identity number, where applicable 身份证号码,如适用 Supporting documents: ? Travel document 12. Type of travel document 护照种类: ? Ordinary passport / 普通护照 ? Diplomatic passport / 外交护照 ? Service passport / 公务护照 ? Official passport / 因公护照 ? Special passport / 特殊护照 ? Other (please specify) / 其它旅行证件(请注明):…………………………………… ? Means of subsistence ? Invitation ? Means of transport ? TMI ? Other: 13. Number of travel document 旅行证件编号 14. Date of issue 签发日期 15. Valid until 有效期至 16. Issued by 签发机关 17. Applicant’s home address and e-mail address 申请人住址及电子邮件 Telephone number(s) 电话号码 Visa decision: ? Refused ? Issued ? A ? C ? LTV 18. Residence in a country other than the country of current nationality 是否居住在现时国籍以外的国家 ? No 否 ? Yes. Residence permit or equivalen


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