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课程名称 大学英语 教材名称 新视野大学英语3 授课时间 2005 授课对象 04级本科生 教学内容提要 Unit 5 Graceful Hands 计划学时 6 教学目的 important new words and phrases should be mastered 2. listening practice and reading skills training 教学要求 1. to know the meaning of graceful hands 2. to know the meaning of life and the attitude towards death 教 材 分 析 重点 Key words, phrases usages 2. grammar focus 解决办法 lecturing, discussing and interactive activities 难点 1. Why does the writer notice and mention the graceful hands several times? 2. detailed analysis of difficult sentences in the text 解决办法 repeatedly speaking and listening ,interactive activities 教学方法 ways of discussing, lecturing, dictating and listening 教学手段(图表、投影、幻灯、录像、CAI及多媒体等) 录音机、磁带、黑板、粉笔 新内容新知识(注名来源及所占比例) the attitude towards death and the meaning of life 《新视野大学英语3》45% 参考资料 《新视野大学英语3(教师用书)》主编:郑树堂 《郎文当代高级英语辞典》主编:Addison Wesley 《新视野大学英语读写教程课文辅导大全》主编:马德高 课 堂 设 计 主要内容 拟用时间 表达方式 1. Lead-in 3m Ask students to do 2.Background Information 7m Lecturing 3.Reading-Centered Activities Structure ,Words, Phrases and Paraphrases 90m Lecturing 4.Structure of the Text 10m Sum up of the text 5.Listening Exercises 50m Ask students to do 6.Speaking Exercises 50m Ask students to do 7.Dictation 10m Ask students to do 8.Do Quiz 50m Ask students to do 9.Reading Skills(Section B) 30m Lecturing Ask students to do 教 学 过 程 1. Lead in This story is of a doctor’s view of a terminally ill grandmother — how graceful her hands are and how graceful her heart is to spare her family the pain of her passing. Then we can see how is the old woman faced with death.. 2. Background Information 3. Reading-Centered Activities: Words and Phrases graceful: adj.优美的 [派生词] grace n. graceless adj. [搭配] be graceful in主要指姿势动作优雅 eg: She is graceful in manner / speech / movement. preceding: adj.在前的, 前述的 [辨析] previous, prior, preceding, foregoing, former 意思都含“在先的”、“在前的”。 previous 指“时间上早于某人物、事件或行动的”, 如: He cannot go for he has a previous eng


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