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攀枝花学院专科毕业论文 摘要 PAGE II 攀枝花学院专科毕业论文 对我国仓储管理现状的分析与对策 学生姓名: 周 迪 学生学号: 200621203137 院(系): 工程技术学院 年级专业: 2006级市场营销 指导教师: 助理指导教师: 二〇〇九年六月 攀枝花学院专科毕业论文 摘要 PAGE 1 摘 要 随着市场经济一体化进程的加快,科学技术的快速发展,物流产业将成为我国21世纪重要的产业和国民经济的新增长点。而仓储管理作为企业管理的重要一环,正越来越受到包括制造商、分销商、批发商、零售商,还有其他类型行业企业的重视。 库存成本在整个物流成本中占有相当可观的比例。因此,如何提高仓储管理水平,成为实质性的提高企业利润空间的关键之一。近年来,随着物流产业的迅速发展,仓储的内涵以及人们对它的认识正在发生变化,许多传统的仓储作业也在发生转化,尤其在严峻的市场竞争和信息化时代来临的时候,如何提高仓储管理水平成为当代我国仓储企业追求的目标。本论文从我国经济体制着手,分析我国仓储管理的现状,找出其存在的问题,并建设性的提出相应的自我看法和意见。 怎么在仓储管理的意识、技术和建设上,稳定,快速,有效的提高仓储管理水平对企业来说是有着很大的影响的。因此,研究仓储管理对我国企业的发展和以后的竞争具有重大的意义。 关键词 物流,仓储,仓储管理 攀枝花学院专科毕业论文 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT With the market economy to speed up the integration process, the rapid development of science and technology, logistics industry will become an important 21st century industries and new growth points of the national economy. Warehouse management and enterprise management as an important element, is increasingly being included manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers, as well as other types of industries and enterprises of great importance. Inventory costs in the logistics cost of a considerable proportion of possession. Therefore, how to improve the storage management level, as a substantial increase in corporate profits, one of the key space. Therefore, research on warehouse management and enterprise development in China after the competition is of great significance. In recent years, with the rapid development of logistics industry, warehousing, as well as the connotation of it is changing, many of the traditional warehousing operations are also transformed, especially in the severe market competition and the information age comes, how to improve the Storage management in contemporary China has become the pursuit of the


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