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摘 要
摘 要
关键词:电缆故障定点仪 声磁时间差 50Hz陷波
With the development of society, peoples requirement of power transmission is higher and higher, in order to avoid the inconvenience of intricate wire on the ground in peoples lives,people increasingly prefer to cover the cable under the ground .But ,come problems at the same time ,if the cable under the ground has any faults,it is very difficult to recognise where points of fault are located from the ground, which leads to inconvenience for electrical maintenance . Based on the signal of sound and magnetism which emerges when high voltage discharging on point of fault in the cable , and calculation the time difference between magnetic signal and sound signal to reach the receiver, you can quickly and accurately find the point of failure.
In response to these needs, the response to the weak vibration of piezoelectric ceramic probe to detect the high-pressure discharge (vibration), sound signals, electromagnetic signals generated when the bar magnet coil to the detection of high-pressure discharge, design the low noise of the weak vibration signal the vocal cords passenlarge and 50HZ notch analog amplifier circuit, and both the synchronization point magnetic induction signal in the cable path detection and sound, and magnetic amplifier hardware system, and the corresponding features of the software.The experiment shows that the instrument can quickly and accurately fix the point of cable fault .And ,what`s more ,it has the characteristics of ambient noise shielding and automatically mute when people touch close to it.
Keywords: Cable faults tester Time difference between soun
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