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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 PAGE 摘 要 科学技术的飞速发展与进步给人们的生活带来了前所未有的便利,如电力技术的迅猛发展与应用,合成材料的诞生,新能源的不断涌现,自动化程度的不断提高等等,使人们的衣食住行条件得到了极大的改善。然而其负面的作用也随之凸显出来,如液化石油气,各种电子产品,易燃装饰材料等我们身边经常接触到的一些普通生活用品,为火灾的发生埋下了巨大的隐患,人们在享受科技带来的便利之外无时不在受到潜在的火灾的威胁。所谓水火无情,为了避免火灾以及减少火灾造成的损失,让人们的生活更加安宁,残酷的现实以及触目惊心的教训要求我们必须设计和完善火灾自动报警系统,提高火灾的预警与早期处理水平,将火灾消灭在萌芽状态,最大限度地减少社会财富的损失。基于此,本文从生活中的实际情况着手,设计了一种适用于多种公共场所的基于单片机的火灾智能报警系统。该火灾报警系统是以AT89C51单片机作为控制中心,接受、处理火灾探测器输出的烟雾浓度信号、温度信号,并进行声光报警。它通过不断的向现场发射巡检信号来监视现场的温度、烟雾浓度等,并不断反馈给报警控制器,控制器将接到的信号与内存的正常整定值比较、判断确定是否有火灾的发生。当现场烟雾或者温度发生异常,或者发生火灾时,可实现声光报警、烟雾浓度、温度报警限设置、故障自诊断、延时报警等,是一种结构简单、性能稳定、使用方便、价格低廉、智能化的烟雾传感器,具有一定的实用价值。 关键词:AT89C51单片机,智能报警,传感器,控制器 Abstract The rapid development and progress of science and technology has brought unprecedented convenience to peoples life,as the rapid development of electric technology and application of composite materials, the constantly emerging of the new energy, the constant improvement of the degree of automation, etc. make peoples food and clothing live line conditions improved greatly. However, its negative effect also stands out, some ordinary articles for daily use such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), all kinds of electronic products, flammable decorative materials around us, buried the huge hidden trouble for the beginning of the fire, people enjoying the convenience from technology constantly under the threat of potential fire. So-called water ruthless, in order to avoid fire and reduce fire losses, make peoples life more peaceful, the harsh reality and shocking lesson requires us to design and improve the automatic fire alarm system and improve the level of fire early warning and handling, which will make a fire in the bud, to minimize the loss of wealth of society.Based on this, this text set about from the actual situation in life, we design a kind of intelligent fire detection and alarm system suitable for a variety of public places of based on single chip microcomputer. The fire alarm system based


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