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PAGE PAGE PAGE 37 毕业设计 带式输送机 摘 要 带式输送机是广泛应用于煤炭、港口、建设、电厂等工业领域的连续输送设备,它具有运输效率高、运营成本低等优点。随着国民经济的发展,带式输送机的应用越来越广泛。近年来,随着工业技术的发展,带式输送机也不断朝着大运量、长距离、大倾角、高带速、投资费用少、运营费用低、工作可靠、维护方便等方向发展,对其设计技术的要求也越来越高。 为适应地形的要求,用输送带输送一定高度的带式输送机在很多方面有应用。本文着重讨论了带式输送机的结构原理、传动原理、设计计算法则、运行阻力的计算、各点张力的计算等内容,以及各种计算参数的设计计算和校核,尤其对输送带的选用、托辊的选用进行了详细的分析,使设计更加贴切接近实际问题。本文还分析了国内外带式输送机的现状及发展趋势,说明在现代高科技发展的情况下,带式输送机的发展潜力还是很大的。 本文研究了一般固定式带式输送机的设计理论,并根据所设计的要求再结合目前国内的目前的技术要求组装了一套倾角为0度的固定式带式输送机,说明了这套设计符合设计参数的要求 关键字:输送机 发展 结构原理 计算和校核 Abstract Taking style to transport machine is broad apply to industry field continuation such as coal , port construction, electric power plant transports equipment , that it has transportation is efficient , is in motion and do business cost low grade merit. The application with the development of national economy, taking style to transport machine is more and more broad. In recent years , with the development of industrial technology,the cost direction such as low , working reliably , defending to go to the lavatory taking style to transport machine bringing speed along also unceasingly to grand fortune amounts , long distance , big dip angle , height , investing in cost stopping being in motion and doing business, develops , designs that the technology request is also more and more high to the person. For the request adapting to landforms, use conveyer belt to transport certain altitudes taking style to transport machine having in many aspects applying. Content such as the main body of a book being emphasized having discussed structure principle , drive principle taking style to transport machine , being designing the calculation calculating a law , running resistances , every tension calculation, calculating and proofreading the parametric design secretly scheming against as well as various, has carried out detailed analysis on the conveyer belt selecting and using , selecting and using supporting a roller especially , has used the problem designing especially appro


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