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PAGE II 摘 要 数控弯管机是基于矢量弯管原理,运用微机控制,完成用户所需的任意空间立体管形,是现代弯曲整形的重要加工设备。本文主要针对弯管机这一数控装备进行嵌入式测控系统的硬件系统研究开发,以嵌入式微处理器为硬件平台,代替传统的通用计算机和工控机,对机床的加工过程进行有效控制。在此基础上加装运动控制卡PCI-1240U,通过运动控制卡实现对伺服电机驱动器的控制,从而控制伺服电机带动各轴进行准确的旋转走位操作。本文主要对该嵌入式测控系统进行硬件系统的研究开发,针对工业现场控制电路的基本要求,利用PROTEL软件绘制四个控制电机的电路原理图和现场总体电路分布结构设计图;根据设计精度要求和对元器件性价比的比较,对包括嵌入式系统、运动控制卡、伺服电机、伺服电机驱动器、输入输出卡、编码器及传感器等元件在内的各类硬件设备的选型。本文所设计的嵌入式测控系统用于控制数控弯管机的工业现场实际运行,主要实现弯管机的送料、旋转、弯曲等功能的控制。所设计的电路及选取的硬件在工业现场调试中基本能够达到预期的效果。 关键词: 数控弯管机、嵌入式、运动控制卡、伺服驱动器 Abstract CNC pipe bending machine is an important modern curved plastic processing equipment, which is based on the vector theory, using computer control, to complete any space for three-dimensional tube to meet users requirements. In this paper, it mainly about the research and development of hardware systems on the numerical control equipment for pipe bending machine embedded control system, using embedded microprocessor hardware platform, instead of the traditional general-purpose computers and industrial machines, to control the machining process effectively. On this basis, installation of motion control card PCI-1240U, realized through the motion control card servo motor drive control, to control each axis servo motor drive for accurate operation of rotating gears. In this paper, it mainly about the control system of the embedded hardware systems’ research and development, for industrial control circuit of the basic requirements, using PROTEL software to draw four motor control circuit schematic diagrams and field distribution of the overall structure of the circuit design; according to the design precision and comparison of the cost on components, select the equipment including embedded systems, motion control cards, servo motor, servo motor drive, input and output cards, encoders , sensors and various types of hardware components. This embedded control system designed to control the pipe bending machine for industrial on-site practical operatio


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