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468 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SPEECH AND AUDIO PROCESSING, VOL. 12, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 2004 Crosstalk Resilient Interference Cancellation in Microphone Arrays Using Capon Beamforming Wing-Kin Ma, Member, IEEE, Pak-Chung Ching, Senior Member, IEEE, and Ba-Ngu Vo Abstract— This paper studies a reference-assisted approach for interference canceling (IC) in microphone array systems. Conven- tionally, reference-assisted IC is based on the zero crosstalk as- sumption; i.e., when the desired source signal is absent in the ref- erence microphones. In applications where crosstalk is inevitable, the conventional IC approach usually exhibits degraded perfor- mance due to cancellation of the desired signal. In this paper, we develop a crosstalk resilient IC method based on the Capon beam- forming technique. The proposed beamformer deals with the un- certainty of crosstalk by applying a constraint on the worst-case crosstalk magnitude. The proposed beamformer not only performs Fig. 1. Reference-assisted interference canceling microphone array system. IC, it also provides blind beamforming of the desired signal. We The dotted line represents crosstalk. show that a blind beamformer based on the traditional minimum- mean-square-error (MMSE) IC method is a special case of the pro- sources, blind beamforming can be effectively achieved by var- posed beamformer. One key step of implementing the proposed ious methods such as [7] and [8]. When there are interfering Capon beamformer lies in solving a difficult nonconvex optimiza- tion problem, and we illustrate how the Capon optimal solution can sources such as other speakers, the blind beamforming problem be effectively approximated using the so-called semidefinite relax- is considerably more difficult. Various techniques, such a


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