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沈阳工程学院毕业 Abstact 沈阳工程学院毕业论文 摘要 PAGE IV MATLAB中实现具体的数字通信系统的仿真 摘 要 伴随着现代计算机科学技术快速发展,新一代的可视化的仿真软件也随着产生。这些功能强大的仿真软件,使得通信系统仿真的设计和分析过程变得相对直观和便捷,由此也使得通信系统仿真技术得到了更快的发展。通信系统仿真具有广泛的适应性和极好的灵活性,有助于我们更好地研究通信系统性能。 本文主要研究通信系统中的关键技术——数字基带传输,主要包括基带系统的组成、传输的方式及无码间串扰条件的特性研究。还着重的研究基于Matlab语言的数字基带传输特性,通过Matlab设计并仿真基带系统,在比较实测系统与理论研究的基础上加深了对基带传输特性的理解。以便基带传输理论和仿真在实际中得到更广泛的应用。 理论知识是用来指导具体实践的。本文在深刻理解通信系统理论的基础上利用Matlab强大的仿真功能,设计了许多具体的通信系统仿真模型。在仿真模型设计过程中,本文对模型设计的目的、具体的结构组成、仿真流程以及仿真结果都给出了具体详实的分析和说明。 最后,本文对所做的研究工作进行了总结,并且提出了今后的工作和研究方向。 关键词 基带传输系统,Matlab,仿真 沈阳工程学院毕业 Abstact 沈阳工程学院毕业论文 Abstract Abstract With the development of computer, the successful research and development of new generation visual simulation software were burned. The simulation software is powerful which makes the process of design and analysis of communications system simulation more intuitional and convenient. Today, the communications system simulation is rapid developing. Communications system simulation has comprehensive adaptability and wonderful agility, which is helpful for us to research the function of communications system well. The text introduces mostly about key technology of correspondence system which is numeric base band transmission. It includes structure of the correspondence system and it does transmit manner and the condition of without Inter-code interference. In following, the text emphasizes studies numeric base band transmission base-on matlab language and we use it to design and imitate base band system. We compare true-test system with theoretic system, so we get more understanding in the field of base band transmission. Theory aims to guide practice. On the base of deep comprehension of communications system theory, the paper designs many concrete


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