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PAGE iv 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题目 公交车语音报站系统的设计 Bus?Voice announcement?system design By Zhang min May 2012 摘 要 根据AT89C51单片机的特点和公交车报站器的特点,本文提出了一种用单片机控制语音芯片进行公交车语音自动报站的方法。同时给出了软硬件设计的方法,设计过程中包括硬件电路设计和软件程序编写两个方面,解释了单片机在应用过程中的方法和可能出现的问题。本文主要介绍硬件电路设计部分。利用AT89C51作为控制器,通过ISD4004语音芯片建立语音信息库,形成变化多样的语音信息,利用其功放播放语音信息以及提示语音,同时运用LED数码管进行站数显示。当公交车到达某站点,用键盘控制本系统工作,通过语音电路输出语音  本系统很大程度上提高公交车报站的准确性,可靠性。提高了公交系统的服务质量。促进城市经济发展和交通变化的和谐发展。 关键词:AT89C51单片机,ISD4004语音芯片,LED数码管,自动报站 Abstract? AT89C51 microcontroller features and characteristics of the bus stop, this paper presents a microcontroller to control the voice chip, the automatic stop of the bus voice.Given hardware and software design methods, including hardware circuit design and software programming to two aspects of the design process, and explains the method of the microcontroller in the application process and the problems that may arise.?This paper describes the design part of the hardware circuit.?AT89C51 as controller, ISD4004 voice chip, voice information base, to form a diverse voice messages, the use of the amplifier play back voice messages and voice prompts, while the use of LED digital tube station number display.?When the bus arrived a site, that the system is controlled using the keyboard, voice information and tips through the voice circuit output, while the station number information displayed on the LED digital tube.?The hardware design of the entire system, including keyboard circuit, reset circuit, display driver circuit, display circuit, memory, expansion of the circuit module.? This system greatly improved bus stations, the accuracy, reliability.?Improve the quality of service of the public transport system.?Promote the harmonious development of urban economic development and transportation changes.? Key words: AT89S51 microcontroller, the ISD4004 voice chip, LED digital tube, automatic stop 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘 要 h i Abstract h ii 第1章 绪论 h 1 1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 h 1


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